Horoscope Saturday on a sky background with shooting stars

Horoscope for May 1: The Moon In Harmonic Aspect To The Sun In Taurus

You can now read your horoscope for Saturday, May 1, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

The power of making your beloved smile is a gift, so try to keep your partner smiling for long, because that’ll help some of the scars in their soul. This could be a good time to pause in some professional projects.

You’ve got to see if there’s more interesting paths; some of you will consider asking for a formal leave and send your CV to new companies. Work on your inner garden more often.

Make better use of daytime, go out there, let the sun shower you with its light and get fresh air into your lungs.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You’ll seek conversations that are both light-hearted and intellectual with the people you’re interested in. You’ll really enjoy friendship, and some Taurus will be reunited with old friends with whom they shared beautiful moments.

You’ll make the most of your professional resources; don't give yourself the luxury of wasting time and move forward with your upcoming projects as much as possible.

You want to fight against aging and the marks it leaves; quite a few Taurus will dare to try new beauty treatments. Remember that a healthy lifestyle is your best ally to look good, youthful and healthy.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Gemini, the feeling of your heart is deep and will have a halo of mystery for those who live with you or are fortunate to have you in their daily lives. You'll manifest yourself in a discreet and silent way.

This Saturday you deserve to rest more than ever. You are one of the many who in one way or another work all year round.

Physical strength and vigor won't be what stands out this Saturday; on the contrary, you'll start the month with an air of weakness that doesn't help your state of mind.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

In order to win the heart of your romantic interest, avoid making up a character. You’ve got to be as authentic as possible. Stay human and be honest, and get worried about others because it’s part of you.

You’re dreaming about a promotion or changing companies to go somewhere better, where your full potential can blossom. There’ll be many doors open for you, for sure, but don’t take the leap until you’re sure your parachute’s on.

You’ll be surprised with your own physical progress. People will start praising you if you’ve been dieting or working out at the gym.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

You'll have an idyllic day together with your loved one and deepen your bond no matter what stage your relationship is in. You'll show your partner that you're unique and that you don't care what others think as long as you make him/her smile.

On this International Workers' Day, look into your rights and join or form a union at the company you work for. If you have your own business, make sure your employees enjoy all their rights.

Regarding health, you'll be so happy that you'll forget about any ailments.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Your love life will take an interesting turn and someone close could become a romantic interest. You will bring closure to certain painful episodes of your life and you’ll finally feel free to move as you wish.

Don’t be too bossy at work and try to talk in a diplomatic way not to make people angry – even if your advice is good, you shouldn’t push people to do things they don’t want to do.

Choose a team sport and go for it, Virgo! And don’t forget to add seasonal fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Love will fill your life no matters if you're in a relationship or single. You'll start this new month with a wider point of view and leave all your prejudices regarding love behind. 

As far as your career is concerned, you shouldn't let any opportunities pass you by as you don't know when your big moment will finally arrive.

As for your health, you should seek the help of a therapist to deal with your emotional problems. It's nothing serious, but it's affecting you in your day-to-day life.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Avoiding getting heated in your love life will be a big challenge for you. Letting hours go by in a situation of disagreement, without apologizing or changing your attitude is not a good choice for your life.

In some cases, Scorpios will be the creators of a new undertaking this Monday, which could benefit many people around you.

The health of Scorpios is going through a weak moment caused by worries. It’s essential to support yourself in the energy of Mars which, from Cancer, especially favours those born in the first decan.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Those who are in a relationship will have a day full of ups and downs with their partner. If you’re single, you could meet someone who has similar interests and this will make you consider a relationship.

Whether you’re your own boss or working for someone else, you may make a lot of money today as long as you are capable of making decisions calmly.

Your body is very resilient but excesses are always dangerous and the current planetary movements could make you be pretty reckless today so try to make sensible decisions regarding your health.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

You could feel sensitive and sad but this will let you observe those around you carefully and be able to open to their feelings. This makes it a perfect day for romantic conversations, declarations of feelings, and connection between those who are in love.

Your quality of life is improving and you’ve thought of splurging on your home. Whether it’s a beautiful houseplant or a more efficient dishwasher, you will be happy with the upgrade.

You feel peaceful and the planetary energies will help you perform energy cleansing rituals at home.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

It’s time to start looking for new meaning in life, including in love. And it’s not about abandoning your partner, or it is, depending on what you need. But, in any case, it’s about seeking your authenticity, what truly makes you feel good.

On a professional level, Aquarius, you have a lot of energy in favour of your ambitions. You’re enthusiastic and desirous to do extraordinary things using your organizational skills.

You feel physically and mentally strengthened. You can carry out different types of sports.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

If you’re dating someone or trying to seduce them, they might think you’re too weird or eccentric. You'll bring out your inner child by doing crazy things with your partner.

When it comes to your job, your supervisor will ask you to take on more responsibility or the lead in a new project, but this won’t be linked to a salary raise (for the time being). You'll find a jewel without an owner, you'll decide whether to take it to the constabulary or sell it.

Today your movements will be a bit abrupt, so do some stretching exercises before you get up, this way you'll avoid potential injuries.