Horoscope Friday on a sky background

Your Horoscope for June 11: Your Spirit Will Guide You

You can now read your horoscope for Friday, June 11, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Watch out with hidden games this Friday, because the slightest wrong move could reveal your darkest, deepest secrets. But this doesn’t exclusively refer to the present, there might be something in your past you chose to skip.

At work you’ll take on a negotiating role, with crystal clear conversations. If you set out a business goal, all your efforts will aim onto it.

Ask for an appointment at your usual clinic, and get a makeover. You’ll leave many people in awe.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You know how to combine your most romantic feelings with passion very well; you have all the tools to achieve a good relationship, and no one will stop you.

Accept what your true position is at work and analyse whether at times you've dodged responsibilities that affected you directly. If that’s the case, learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them. Talk to your friends about their latest self-care initiatives.

You have enough good judgement to perfect your most immediate health projects and to develop your main physical and intellectual skills.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Your feeling will be easier to express if you do it through body language. Caresses, cuddles and quality time could become easier and simpler. Words and conversations will help you build a better relationship. It'll be fundamental to take your heart's state into consideration.

Regarding economic matters, astral energy is more than positive. You'll be able to fulfil your desires and carry out you projects with ability and intelligence. Your progress is granted. If you're unemployed, a close person could help you out.

As for your health and well-being, you'll need positive vibrations to feel good.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

This Friday was made for you to improve your self-esteem, because lately it’s been parading around rock bottom. Come out of your shelter and rejoice in the love that everyone around you is ready to give.

You’re looking forward to boss people around and take the business lead as an outlet for your most personal desires. You know you’re a unique individual, and everyone will manage to see that today.

Everyone thinks they’re an expert when it comes to sport, diets and wellness, even if the sources they’re extracting knowledge from aren’t too trustworthy.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

A good friend will reveal a secret about your partner that will shock and upset you. You'll even consider taking revenge on him/her, but you know it's not the right thing to do. Single Leos will meet new people, but they won't turn into anything more than friends.

At work, you've paused some projects due to family problems, but now it's time to get going.

Don't be afraid, you'll achieve great results. If you spend your day immersed in the virtual world, challenge yourself to go a day without your phone.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Today’s unusual atmosphere for the natives of Virgo will make you feel attracted to people from different countries or cultures. If you’re married, you will be able to use non-verbal communication to the full.

You’re motivated to work again because you know there’s still much you can do in life. Your confidence could become an inspiration for those around you who are going through a rough patch.

Ask yourself some questions and take your time to get the answers. But above all, be consistent with your decisions.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Today you'll meet someone who likes you a lot and has been waiting to get your attention for a long time. Act naturally and be yourself; this person may be exactly what you need. Libras in a relationship will think of original ways to deepen their bond.

At work, you'll be surrounded by problems. Keep calm, cancel all your commitments and start solving the most urgent ones.

Remember that a good mood is essential to boost your immune system, so direct your anger and stress to the right place and don't let them spoil your day.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

This Friday, communication problems will accost Scorpios. You need to feel loved and you won't find the right words, for this reason there will be lots of reproaches.

When it comes to your professional life, Scorpio's bosses will have a bad day, and will tend to treat them poorly and aggressively. You'll probably need to be defensive internally, in order to put an end to this situation.

From a health point of view, the stars bring valuable energy which favours your physical wellbeing.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Those who are in a long-term relationship will have to pay special attention to their partner. You’ll need to make an effort in order to make things work well. If you’re single, your love life will be quite good and you’re likely to meet someone interesting without even trying.

If you’ve considered small investments, you may want to postpone them and focus on personal fulfilment right now – Saturn isn’t making things easy for your finances.

Always look after your mind and body but be particularly aware of your spirituality too, Sagittarius.

Read your complete Sagittarius prediction for 11 June 2021

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

You want to make the most of your love life, Capricorn. If you’re married, you are ready to spend moments full of magic together and if you’re single, you will be ready to live a forbidden love story. You’re willing to live crazy situations today.

This means that you won’t be entirely focused at work because you’ll be thinking about the end of your working day. If you’re a student, this means that you’ll have to make an extra effort to focus.

Take advantage of your free time and relax – you deserve it.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

With Venus in your seventh house this month, Aquarius, it seems that things are going to go well for you in the area of love. You will probably be more amorous than usual and will want to spend a bit more time with your partner.

On the work scene, if you use your enthusiasm and drive and your communication skills in the right way, you could go far. Those around you are more inclined to appreciate your talent and intelligence.

On the health front, your state of mind will be very positive, which will make you daring and decisive in your initiatives.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You’ll tend to be standoffish and a bit abrupt in your physical expression. So, as you can imagine, it’s not the best day to have a serious conversation with your beloved and with your children, if you have any.

Some rumours that have reached you regarding redundancies or changes to your working conditions have been debunked. Saying affirmations out loud such as “today will be a day filled with success” will help them move and keep going forward.

Pisces, taking supplements for no good reason is a waste of money and it can unbalance your metabolism.