Horoscope Monday on a sky background

Your Horoscope for April 12: New Moon In Aries

You can now read your horoscope for Monday, April 12, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: Don't miss out on your prediction for 12-18 April 2021

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

As far as your relationships go, you’re not always objective enough, which might sometimes lead into carrying out unfair actions. Thus, today conflicts with your partner could get hard to deal with if you insist on making the same mistake.

Your professional life looks like an interesting affair. If your math skills are sharper than ever, you’ll find a solution to whatever backlash life gives you.

And in terms of health, you shouldn’t worry too much except for some mild stomachaches if you eat to excess.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You’ll have very intense emotional peaks; this Monday you’ll destabilize yourself and you’ll also drag down the people around you. Try to apologize if any nasty words escape your lips, or if you behave rudely.

Your work is stable, even if it’s boring, for this reason, the stars push you to develop your creativity so that any situation becomes more magical. You want to subtly make how much you’re worth and how much you bring to the company or project clear.

Going to the gym is a very healthy habit, but, how about starting this week by exercising in natural environments?

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

A very special person may appear in your life and bring some answers to your affective ambitions. His or her sympathy and charisma are unique and you'll find it very difficult not to succumb to his or her charms, Gemini.

If you're unemployed you may find an outlet for your lack of income through creative activities, crafting may help you.

Mercury in Aries could be the support for you to explain your worries to a friend.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

A better sense of understanding will allow you to have a deep conversation with your partner about everything that affects your shared life. If you’re single, today’s a great day for a memorable date.

Monday’s usually considered the worst day of the week when you’re working, but you’ll be the exception to the rule. Your professional life will be smoother than you expect. Dare to express yourself truthfully.

This new kind of personality will bring you health, success and plenitude. Finally, your parenthood instinct will get stronger and clearer than usual.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Your partner could tell you that someone at work has a crush on him/her. Their tone of voice and attitude will confuse you and you won't be sure if it's an anecdote or a threat. Ask them directly.

In terms of money, it's a good day to scour the antique flea markets looking for bargains that you can resell for a much higher price.

If you want to contact someone who has passed away, pay a visit to a medium with a good reputation who you trust and feel comfortable with. 

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Don’t be selfish and you’ll be able to enjoy a fantastic day with your partner. If you have children, don’t let them manipulate you and teach them the lesson they need. Single Virgo, listen to your sixth sense because it will tell you exactly what to do in order to live a fantastic story.

You will be very good at negotiating at work and your sense of justice will have a special importance today when relating to others and to money.

Look after your skin and don’t forget that your good mood is like a balm for those around you.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Some of you will find your soul mate and others will decide to commit more formally. Love will become the most important aspect of your life.

At work, things will go smoothly, too. You'll be able to progress in your career and have many job opportunities. If you've been thinking about changing your position or workplace, it's a perfect day to go for it.

Meditation and relaxation will do you good when it comes to your physical and mental well-being. If you've been ill lately, today you'll feel much better.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

The moon will enter Taurus, giving you the opportunity to love gently and with pleasant manners. You’ll be more tactful than ever, and you’ll want to please your partner in every way. A lover such as you isn’t found every day, Scorpio.

There’s a lot of movement, phone calls and negotiations which could be very stressful. No one has handed you anything, that’s why you value having a chance to make money and put some money aside for savings.

Jupiter in an aspect with your sun favours keeping a positive mindset. Keeping hope favours the healing process of your cells.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Spend more time with your friends and you will get to know new people. This will be particularly positive for the natives who are single but if you’re in a relationship, be careful because you could have some misunderstandings with your partner.

You feel like a change in your professional life and you may have new working contract that will boost your financial situation. Focus on your immediate objectives and success will find you.

There are many relaxation techniques that can help you channel your energy and become more efficient.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

It’s a moment of transformation. Pluto will have an effect on the natives of the third decan by revealing problems that are hidden in their hearts, and the Moon in Taurus will affect the natives of the first decan by enhancing the relationship with their friends.

You have a feeling of abundance and even if you have some setback at work, you need to remember that your superiors value your professionalism. Whether you’re working for someone or you’re your own boss, you’ll receive a very positive offer.

Be careful with promises that sound too good if you want to start a diet: you don’t want to be scammed.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

In your relationship, any potential clashes you might have will be mainly due to any mistakes you make, Aquarius.

At work, there’s no sign more prepared to face the new area that approaches than Aquarius, this will translate into great success on a professional level.

Your health is the only thing that can hold back Aquarius’s resounding success. The main problem you’ll face is worrying too much about others, because they’re ready to face all the upcoming changes.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You’ll be able to melt any frozen hearts with a tender gaze. Whether you’re in the middle of a conquest, reconciliation or trying to get something from another person, you’ll get away with it.

Today is the new moon in Aries, the first new moon of the astrological year and one of the most powerful ones. Make the most of this energy to make positive statements on your skills, self-esteem and material possessions. For example, write somewhere you can see it “I have financial abundance” or “I love and appreciate myself” in order to make your wishes come true.

You’ll know how to pace yourself wisely. You might end this Monday with a mild migraine.