Horoscope Wednesday on a sky background

Your Horoscope for May 12: We'll Have To Deal With Uranus' Energy

You can now read your horoscope for Wednesday, May 12, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

If you want to take a break in love, today you’ll find the right words to talk it over with your partner. You need to find your own space to reflect on your deepest desires, to know who you are and where your course is aiming from now on.

The feeling that everything needs to be carefully planned at work is kind of overwhelming, and it looks like your future’s already written out for you. Break ties with that flow by being spontaneous and include your good old humble spirit in the mix.

Your capability to adapt is certainly a model to follow, and you’ll see it when it comes to health issues.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You’ll project your more serious and faithful side to capture the attention of the person you like. However, you might get lost in the day’s passionate and hectic rhythm, which will be very intense.

Your anxiety to do work tasks quickly will make you lose your form. Fight against the high-handedness in your mind and admit there’s only one right way of doing things.

You’re not interested in exaggerating your physical virtues (or to torture yourself over your defects). You’ll be especially skilled at ball sports.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Don't be afraid to give others the permissions you would like to enjoy, even if it's difficult to accept, the time has come when you can no longer hide the desire that beats in your body and in your heart.

This Wednesday will bring great material opportunities for the natives of the sign of Gemini who have the support of the strong and dynamic planet Mars in the area related to finances.

Gemini natives have valuable energies in their favor that they can take to ensure greater well-being in terms of their physical state.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’re no longer blaming others for your mistakes and you know you’re responsible for your own actions. You’ll stop making incredible excuses up, and you’ll choose to live a life of honesty and truth. Some of you will confess about some side affairs to your partner which had been kept in secrecy thus far.

You’ll benefit from a much-needed distance to make a move at work and change some of the things that were wrong.

You’re flying through life and you might forget important things, like getting an elder relative to a medical appointment. Make sure to write everything down properly in your planner.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

You'll spend the day talking to your colleagues or friends and pay very little attention to your partner, which will make him/her quiet upset. Those who are going through a breakup or divorce will put aside their desire for revenge and be eager to settle the matter.

Regarding money, you'll notice a great attraction towards that lifestyle you've always wanted. Why don't you start making your dreams come true within your possibilities?

In general, your positive attitude and your patience will help you have a productive day and feel well.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Don’t force your partner if they don’t feel like doing certain activities or trying new things. Those who are married will have the chance to apologise for their last argument and this will make things work well in their relationship.

You feel like a break from work after all the pressure from the last days. If you’re looking for a job, your diplomatic attitude and will to fight for that position will have the reward you deserve.

You have plenty of energy and will benefit from contact with other people – which will be particularly positive for those who do martial arts.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

When it comes to your relationship, you'll have an intense day today. Those who are in a stable relationship will experience a stronger connection and Libras who have been through a rough patch lately may feel more distant. Single Libras will take a passing fling too seriously.

Regarding work, you'll feel disorientated. Try to discover what's wrong with your attitude and everything will change for the better.

As for your health, you should follow some balanced living patterns. All you need is a little more willpower and an awareness of how important it is to be in a good shape.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

It’s very hard for Scorpios to deal with Uranus’s energy, which brings changes and extreme definitions which aren’t always something signs of a fixed nature can assimilate.

Money will be a problem if you expect a matter involving various people to sort itself out. If you’re dealing with matters pertaining to inheritances, you’ll probably have to learn to communicate and listen to others.

Discomfort in your vocal folds, a sore throat or laryngitis might cause a series of fears regarding the potential diagnosis.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

You need to keep your feet on the ground and see if you’re imagining something that doesn’t correspond to reality. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, don’t project too many expectations and stick to your true feelings. If you’re single, is there any pattern you’re always falling for?

You’re an ambitious person and this means that even if your professional life isn’t entirely satisfying, you know how to find the right solution.

Your health should be your priority so get back to your old routines and find the motivation to look after yourself again.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Give your partner the attention they need in order to look after your relationship. Don’t let the passing of time and the erosion of day-to-day problems take their toll on your relationship. If you’re single, the Stars recommend you stay in touch with your friends.

If you’re working with a partner or relative, maybe you want to step back and keep your distance for a while until things cool down because there’s tension in the air right now.

Your appearance is a reflection of your health and feeling attractive influences your well-being too so don’t hesitate and get that makeover you’ve been thinking of!

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Aquarius know well that their behaviour in love often causes problems for them. Although, on the one hand, they’re very attentive and affectionate, but on the other, they can be very cold.

On a professional level, you’re working at a rather comfortable pace, in fact, you don’t like pressure, or being told how to do things. This doesn’t work at workplaces with a hierarchy.

When it comes to your health, it might happen that some Aquarius will suffer an infection or a different viral problem.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

If you’re in a stable relationship, you’ll realize the good level of complicity between you and what a good team you are. Today you’ll feel closer than ever, very much in love again.

Mercury in trigone with Saturn establishes an easy and fluid conversation with your colleagues or other professionals in your field. Mars in sextile with Uranus gives you the nervousness and feistiness you need to fight for your goals and not stop until you finish all of your daily tasks.

Your hands will feel cold all day, this might be due to a circulation problem in your limbs. But, in principle, this will be only temporary.
