Horoscope Wednesday on a sky background

Horoscope for February 17, 2021

You can now read your horoscope for Wednesday, February 17, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Horoscope Wednesday on a sky background
Read your summarized Horoscope for 17th February 2021 | Healthy Way Mag's Horoscope

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You know that every cloud has a silver lining; therefore, you won't give much relevance to the small edges that are sharp within your love relationship. You'll even do your best to try to alleviate the discomfort they have caused you.

As far as the professional field is concerned, your judgment won't always be excellent, and you could seem like an ignorant sooner than you think.

Overcome the fear you sometimes have of going to the doctor. Sometimes you prefer to take medicine at your own discretion because you don't like hospitals.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You'll be very receptive to dialogue, and you'll know how to see both sides of the same coin; you'll appreciate the person you love with their good and bad things, with relative objectivity.

You'll bet on your professional activities with great strength; if only you believed in yourself as naturally as others do. At work, you'll be in a lucky phase and you could get some advantage in the schedules or in the salary.

You'll feel in good shape; you'll have to control, however, nervousness, and discard drinks that could trigger euphoria.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

A relationship could be taking your life down a stormy and complex path. It's time to choose a direction to take and stop flirting with the idea of taking all roads. The real motivation that leads you to tolerate sharing some experiences may be given by the need to evolve.

Let go of the need to find blame for the situations that happen in your professional life and lean on the help that Jupiter from Aquarius gives you.

For this day the health of the natives of the sign of Gemini is relatively stable.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Ghosts from the past come knocking at your door to haunt you. A reunion with an old love will give you more headaches than you expected. That person wants to go back to you with dark interests, so don't believe his or her talk.

You'll continue to enjoy a certain amount of luck at work; you won't be as absent-minded as at other times, and you'll identify problems before some of your more direct competitors.

Be very rigid if you're following a sporting discipline or a diet; you're achieving good results, so it isn't a question of throwing in the towel now.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Your partner will feel sad about an issue that they don't feel comfortable discussing with you. Try to understand them and be compassionate; try to empathize with your loved one.

In the professional environment and/or your job everything will go smoothly. You'll enjoy a relatively quiet day, where the tasks will come out the first time, there will be no mistakes or errors and the atmosphere between colleagues and superiors will be relaxed and friendly.

Start exercising before sunrise, because it will be when you have more energy.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You wanted the air to be filled with love this Wednesday, but you have made very little effort to achieve it; your conformist attitude made you sit there, feeling that the universe revolved around you.

At work, you'll take a stand on issues related to politics, social rights or religion. These are matters in which impartiality is usually rewarded, but you won't be able to remain silent in the face of certain comments made by your colleagues.

As your own life has taught you over the years, excesses aren't good, and you'll regret being too gluttonous, or having drunk too much.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Today, Libra natives will be selfish in their relationship with their partner. They'll want to impose their conditions and, in the long run, they'll provoke resentment that will be difficult to solve.

Professionally, problems will arise that will be difficult to solve, but your tranquility and intelligence will make it possible. Organize work strategies that allow you to save time and money.

As for your health, no major health problems will arise. But your multiple activities may harm you in the long run. Take your time and avoid large meals, unless you want to be detrimental to your well-being.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Venus continues in the Aquarius zone of the zodiac and allows the children of the scorpion to feel love naturally and without passion, they'll simply feel at home, it's a good time to spend with the family.

The economy today will show signs of progress as long as you let yourself be guided by someone in your environment who knows the market movements. This is someone admirable to you, an entrepreneur or business advisor with great experience.

Stress is a time bomb and therefore, you'll have to manage better the resting hours.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Clear the ground of strange and harmful influences and you'll be able to find love again. Your soul mate won't accept the excuses you offer and it will be difficult for you to find the path to reconciliation.

In the professional field, it's convenient that you take extreme precautions if you're thinking about investing your savings in some unclear business. You can run great risks.

As for health, nerves and anxiety can cause gastrointestinal disorders. An urgent change of habits is necessary. Going for a walk will help improve your elasticity and good reflexes, don't stay cooped up at home.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Capricorns who are single could use the incoming energy to begin to establish a relationship with someone who is very much in love and waiting for some attention.

The excellent astral predisposition for the financial affairs of the natives of the sign of Capricorn will continue this Wednesday giving pleasant surprises. The stars tell you that it's time to dream big.

Capricorn, to stay healthy and young there are many tricks you can use. If you haven't tried fermented foods, this is an excellent time to start.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Today, Aquarius, you won't tolerate impositions or rules, you'll want to do whatever you want without taking into account the wishes of others. Your partner will demand more attention, but you won't be willing to listen to them.

Professionally, you'll finish tasks that seemed to have no end in order to start others that offer you new opportunities. You'd better act without delay.

In health, headaches and contractures may not have a solution if you don't change your work pace, rest a little more and start new activities that reward you.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Your close circle is undergoing major changes and distancing (perhaps a partner, a mother, a best friend, etc.) that can cause emotional wounds. Don't carry this grief alone and lean on those you still trust.

At work, your memory could play a trick on you and you could forget an essential step, and cause a mistake that will be very difficult to solve later. Have all protocols and processes written down to avoid surprises.

Your mental health is in a fragile moment and you'll probably need professional help.