Horoscope Sunday on a sky background

Horoscope for April 18: Mars In Gemini Says Goodbye With Courage

You can now read your horoscope for Sunday, April 18, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Your desire to love is skyrocketing, and you’ll trust your most authentic self to win the heart of your beloved. Some of you will make moves for a second chance with your ex if a misunderstanding brought your love story to an untimely end.

Peace and quiet will be part of your professional life.

Your spirituality will be great, and you’ll be less submitted to anxiety and stress; your mind’s flying free today, letting go of the heaviest pieces of baggage.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

The Horoscope helps you be strong this Sunday, and you’ll be able to cope with any difficult or uncomfortable situation in your love life. Single Taurus who have a date will be a bit foot in mouth and will say things that will sound out of line.

At work, you’ll be at your best performance; just because it’s Sunday doesn’t make you lazy, the complete opposite, actually. You’ll have great self-discipline, you’ll see things in a very simple way.

You're determined to start the diet tomorrow, Monday, as if the fact that it’s a Sunday made it impossible for you to start looking after your diet right now.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

A new attitude towards your affective relationships could cause some discomfort in your environment. Starting a special romance won't be so difficult. Open your heart to the arrival of love.

If you're looking for a new job, there are several options you could take if you put aside your fears and prejudices. Mars in your sign says goodbye giving you courage.

Your body and mind will be in harmony. The best recipe for feeling fit is positive thinking and a night in which you can get the eight hours of sleep you need.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’re moving on from your latest heartbreak; if someone left your life voluntarily, it’s because you weren’t meant to be happy with them. It also means that you’ll soon be lucky enough to start a new love story, which always gives you hope.

You should express yourself at work more openly so that everyone knows where you’re standing and what you want to do next.

People with stomachaches could experience improvements, especially if new treatments are being put to the test.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

One of your family members will hurt you a lot and you'll have to decide whether to forgive or cut him/her off completely. Listen to your inner voice and don't make impulsive decisions.

Regarding work, you'll have to give a hundred percent in your job or studies. If there's a word that defines you, it's "brave", so show it to the world and prove it to yourself.

If you still buy a plastic bottle of water every day, go for more environmentally friendly options like stainless steel.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

The natives who are in a long-term relationship will enjoy a strong bond with their partner and those who are single will start looking after themselves while looking or the perfect match. Your home is your priority and you’ll sort out responsibilities.

You're a serious professional and those around you appreciate your skills. You’ll also be very good at saving money and resources so you can become someone’s role model.

Be careful with the food you eat if you want to avoid food poisoning. Contact with nature will help you get your mind ready for the following week.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Libras who are in a stable relationship will be able to consolidate their bonds. Your sensitivity and capacity for dialogue will help you solve any problems as a couple and come out even stronger.

Regarding work, you should follow your instincts and do what you really love, as only your true passion will lead you to the greatest achievements.

As for your health, you should work on boosting your immune system. Emotionally you'll feel at peace as now that you're more familiar with your limits, you can make better decisions regarding your life.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

The astrological tendencies for today project the possibility of minor arguments and problems. These could lead to unnecessary unpleasant situations for many Scorpios. If you’re single, today the stars advise going out for a walk with a friend and having some fun.

The stars push you to dream of changes in your material life, giving some Scorpios the strength to make their dreams come true in collaboration with others.

You might be suffering some mild ailments which will worry you, although you shouldn’t be overly alarmed.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Venus in your sign means more commitment in your relationship so stop making up excuses. Talking and trying to understand your partner will fix any conflict you could have today. If you’re single, you will have many opportunities to find a partner.

Some natives will be promoted, others may be able to change jobs, but what you really need now is to secure your current position and feel proud of what you’ve accomplished.

Use your free time to improve your eating habits. If you look back, you will see that your mental health has got much better.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Mercury in Aries could make your words somehow aggressive but there is another planetary aspect that will make you feel sensitive and affectionate so try hard to express love instead of anger – and if you lose control at some point, don’t hesitate and apologize immediately.

You will be a great team worker but don’t try to become the leader because this isn’t your role this time. Make sure you follow all the steps of the cycle and don’t rush events.

You can’t be healthy if you aren’t happy so don’t be afraid to share your emotions with your loved ones.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

According to the horoscope, today Aquarius, some unresolved past conflicts might come to light, but you’ll have no problem dealing with them.

On a professional level, your communication skills will be the centre of attention. In terms of career, Aquarius will do well so long as they participate in teamwork.

When it comes to your health, you should regularly practice some relaxation exercises or discipline in order to relieve your stress properly. Rest and a good diet are also key during this hectic period.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

If you have teenage kids, you’ll really struggle to connect with them this Sunday. This will make it hard for those who are single and seeing someone to introduce them to their kids.

Pisces who are studying a degree will feel a desire to change, but they won’t know what. Today you could invest part of your time on helping the less fortunate.

Your body needs sunlight, to give you its warmth and vitamin D. So, take this opportunity to go for a walk outside and let the sunlight caress your skin.