Horoscope Sunday on a dark sky background

Your Horoscope for July 18: Your life is balanced

You can now read your horoscope for Sunday, July 18, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Today you’ll be able to correct some mistakes you’ve recently made to improve your present life. If you haven’t been lucky these past few days, today you can fix it. You’ll have to apologise some. It’s a good day to pursue love.

You could easily slip out of place on social media and make mistakes that could compromise your career. Try to be more cautious.

You’ve got good health, and plenty of people around you see you as a role model. Thanks to your sixth sense, you’ll be able to improve your well-being from now on.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

In the home of Taurus there'll be talk of pregnancies, adoptions and other ways of expanding the family. You and your spouse might have different points of view, but sooner or later you'll find a way to balance your shared vision.

When it comes to business, you'll have a good protection from the stars, and you{ll strengthen your rapport with colleagues who, until recently, you only saw as rivals.

You can embrace leisure, so long as you don't do things that attempt against your own health and wellbeing. If you've made serious mistakes you can start fixing them today.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

The stars help you relax your inner tensions. You'll let go of the guilt and worries you were carrying, and as a consequence, you'll recover your positivity and joy. An admirer will surprise you with big romantic gestures to conquer you.

You'll be brave, yet foolish, so anyone who dares to question what you say will get a telling-off. You could take reckless decision that risk your physical integrity.

You shouldn't make any important decisions today. You'll have plenty of strength and courage, but in a bad way. Your temperament will tend to be too impulsive and aggressive.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Today, the presence of an old flame will take the week. They’ll get back in touch on the phone, social media or even face-to-face to ask you for a second chance. You’ll have to be more patient if you’re going through divorce, it won’t be an easy situation.

Casual environments boost the creation of emerging businesses. Bet on your personal projects, the ones closer to your true calling.

Natural cosmetic products will boost natural beauty, and you’ll look truly charming. Watch your blood sugar and pressure if you’re starting to grow older.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

You won't let hypocrisy become a part of your love life. You don't want to have a partner who does nothing but posts perfect photos on social media. You don't aspire to have a perfect relationship, you just want a real one.

If you have to work this Sunday, you'll be in a bad mood. However, you should put a smile on your face and pretend that everything is ok. You'll feel betrayed by someone you did several favors to.

Consider increasing your omega-3 intake by adding wild salmon to your diet. 

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Your feelings will be very strong today and you will say words full of affection to those who need it most. Your love life is in a good moment and if you are single, you will be attracted to those with a different culture or religion.

At work you’ll be particularly lucky if you work in the area of culture and leisure. You will have a very firm hand to cut trivial expenses and you’ll manage to take extra care of your savings.

Your energy levels will drop by the end of the day. No matter what relationships you have, choose safe sex above all.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Today will be the day of reconciliation for Libras. Those who had distanced themselves from their partner will be able to regain their bond. The singles, on the other hand, will have to change their expectations if they want to find their perfect match.

At work, you should spread your wings and try new things. If you explore other facets of your profession, you'll surely find better opportunities.

In terms of health, you should connect more with your body and stop comparing yourself to others. Beauty standards don't represent health. Always prioritize your well-being.  

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

You feel whole, Scorpio. Today every area of your life is perfectly balanced. On an emotional level you might have an intimate conversation with your partner, of the kind you haven't had in a long time. You both miss this.

Likewise, there's something about work that bothers you, but the universe and the energies don't believe it's anything too serious. Therefore, be grateful.

Finally, on an emotional level all is well, but someone close to you will be choosing the bad path in life.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

The most remarkable thing today about today’s love prediction is your tendency to seduce. You’re a natural and you’re not even aware of it. Obviously, this is a great weapon for those who are single but if you’re in a relationship, you’ll have to be careful. You want to avoid harming your partner so don’t cause an irreparable situation.

Your creativity will be the protagonist of the day at work as well as your mediating and negotiating skills.

As for your health, you’ll have to sort out your thoughts in order to find balance in life.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Single Capricorn, your horoscope recommends you to expand your circle of friends. This will help you find a partner. You’ll surely meet the person you fall in love with very soon.

Things are going well at work and your efforts will be recognized. You’ll be praised and offered a different position with better conditions. Accept these improvements but never forget where you come from and what you want to achieve to be happy.

As for your health prediction, look after yourself and support that friend who’s going through some difficulties.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Today the stars favour you in the field of love. Your charms are enhanced and your powers of seduction will conquer whomever you choose. In fact, if you are single, you will have no measure, your only objective is to enjoy the moment. This could turn against you if you change it into an ego game.

On the other hand, at work, you will work in a team. This will not only bring you recognition from your colleagues, but also a possible promotion.

On the health front, it will be good for you to take part in group activities. It is also important to prevent cholesterol.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You'll rekindle the flame of love in your marriage thanks to your erotic proposals. You'll happily convince your spouse to experience new sensations between the sheets.

If you have your own business, you'll have a relaxed day with a stable income. If you haven't worn some jewellery in a long time, you could think about selling them. It will probably be a lot more valuable than you think.

Give a different twist to your dishes with your favourite aromatic herbs mixed with butter, they'll be delicious!