Horoscope Friday on a background with clouds

Your Horoscope for May 21: Mars Favors Profits

You can now read your horoscope for Friday, May 21, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’ve got to stay on alert mode; some people with dark intentions will come around compelled by envy, ready to take away some of your happiness. Fortunately, your sixth sense will tell you where the wolves in sheepskin are to keep them away from you.

Your entrepreneurial spirit will blossom more strongly. Many of you will finally rewrite your most personal idea to adapt it to the real needs of your environment.

Your diet might not be progressing quickly, but it’s okay. Keep in mind that the important thing is to get to the finish line and enjoy the ride.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

Thanks to your talent and emotional intelligence you’ll be able to make a difference with regards to your past experiences. Any love problems will be sorted out quickly thanks to your prompt action, there’s no room in your soul for grudges.

You’re not afraid of the obstacles in your professional life. On the contrary, you’re very confident in your skills and are ready to face them. If there are no activities in your schedule, consider contacting a charity that allows you to help the less fortunate.

You’re certainly a very generous person, but you should control your energy, because it won’t be endless.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

If you're in a relationship, today the encounter between you two will be out of this world. A romantic moment that will enhance the feeling that unites you will leave its unique traces. If you're single, someone is about to show their love for you.

At work, with your colleagues, you will appreciate the importance of the spirit of camaraderie. Mars in good cosmic aspect favors earnings although Saturn in Aquarius could delay the arrival of this money.

As long as you can take some time each day to relax, your health will be perfect.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

A highly passionate environment makes you see your partner under a more attractive hue. It seems like the weekend has brought out your sexiest side. You’ll do whatever you can to surprise them greatly and have them remember that you care a lot about them and that you were meant to be together.

Your head can’t stop spinning; you’re looking for new ways to make money that allow you to be more free and self-reliant, keeping your schedule under a closer check.

Some of your friends are trying to show you a new sport or relaxing activities, although you’re not listening too closely.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

If you feel you've abandoned your relationship, take the reins and focus your efforts on filling it with the brightest colors. Single Leos will use all their charm and sensuality to make their crush seduce them.

At work, you won't be able to focus and try to perform your tasks quickly. Be especially careful if you handle heavy machinery.

Your happiness today will depend on your relationships so try to spend more time with your friends, partner and family. Any activity with them will make you feel useful, joyful and fulfilled.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Once you control your pessimism and manage to be grateful for all the many positive things you have in life, you will be able to enjoy a nice day. You will easily sort out any unexpected setbacks you will find during the day.

Your efforts at work and your success motivate you a lot but your friends could start asking for your time and attention soon. You may be making more money but you should still have your savings.

Listen to your own body and don’t be too dramatic; today is a good day for meditation.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

The planetary influences in your sign will be your greatest allies today, which will favor your relationship. Your sexual relations will flourish and a very special person will come into your life who will know exactly what you need.

At work, if you don't let your guard down, you may be offered a promotion. Your economy will allow you to get what you want. If you've been thinking about buying a house, do it.

Regarding health, your lumbar area will be your weak point today; therefore, avoid drafts and making excessive efforts.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

The sun has entered your area of sexuality to accompany Venus and Mercury which, in conjunction with the lunar node, give your relationship a lot of intensity. It wouldn’t be odd for tricky conversations to arise. Single Scorpios can take this day as a good opportunity to get to know a new social group.

Today you shouldn’t doubt your creative skills and gifts, otherwise, you might close off to the flow of destiny which favours you. It’s time to trust in everything you know, this way your professional performance will be optimal.

You’re likely to achieve a period of good health thanks to your efforts.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

You’re the life and soul of every party and your love for freedom will make you refuse to be in a relationship. However, this means that if you already have a partner, you’d better enjoy a relationship based on trust and communication otherwise, things may end badly.

Your finances will increase and you will stick to your budget in order to guarantee a solid future for you and your family.

You’re aware of your health. This means that you will go back to your workout routine and will even make an appointment with your doctor for a check-up.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

The position of the planets will make you feel tired and moody and this could make you speak without thinking. Be careful and try to moderate your words when talking to your partner. If you’re single, you don’t have enough energy to focus on anybody else so you will ignore other people.

You’ll help someone who is going through some difficulties and you will receive a fair reward for your altruism. At work, someone with a lot of experience will help you and you will be able to learn a lot.

Listen to your doctor’s instructions and drink plenty of water to look after your kidneys.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Aquarius, today you’ll probably attract someone for whom the home, family and traditions are the most important things in their lives. This might initially clash with your values, but you’ll find common ground.

On a professional level, you mind will start thinking about making changes, and your thoughts will be more and more persistent. However, you’ll be able to calm down and not get carried away by irrational impulses.

When it comes to your health, we don’t expect you to suffer any illnesses today and, if you were already suffering from one, it won’t improve either, there will be no changes.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Single Pisces feel they’re really struggling to find someone who truly understands them. Careful Pisces, there are people disguised as “best friends” who, in reality, are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

A professional change you don’t like at all is approaching, which will put you out of your comfort zone. This professional change can come hand in hand with a change in your responsibilities.

You’ll tend to be very critical and hard on yourself, demanding and inflexible, basically, your own tyrant. Relax, little fish, you must have self-discipline without being so rigid and severe.
