Horoscope Saturday on a background with clouds

Your Horoscope for July 24: Full Moon in Aquarius

You can now read your horoscope for Saturday, July 24, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Even though you’re pretty adventurous, everything connected to love will happen as it was expected to. Enjoy stability, because you deserve it. And to avoid messing up, avoid foul companies.

Your professional connections are improving, you’ve got great energy about you. You’ll be wise about your savings; what makes you rich are the things you can’t buy. You’ll do okay in health, and your endurance will be remarkable.

Finish whatever task you start, and break ties with your phone addiction. It’s okay not to answer every single call.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You need to be more generous in your love life. Give your partner what they want from you, without forgetting your own essence and dreams, of course. If you're single, you need to smile more in order to triumph.

A good work schedule will spare you many headaches. Learn to prioritize your duties. If you work with the public, try not to say anything that could be misinterpreted.

Addiction to social media could be a problem if not treated promptly. Leave your car parked and walk everywhere.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

You'll start talking to someone you like who you only know from social media. That person lives far away, but you'll feel an amazing connection. It could be the beginning of a long-distance relationship.

Be careful with who you trust at work. A co-worker, with whom you share gossip and drama, will put you in the spot by airing your opinions. If you don't plan your daily schedule early in the morning, the rest of the day will be an authentic chaos.

You'll feel quite sick and you could suffer from severe bowel issues.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Be bolder when it comes to relationships, because the world wasn’t made for scaredy cats. Talk to your family about anything you want, and you’ll find valuable support. Bet on your true self to be happy in love.

Improve your time management at work to avoid being delayed. Remember those who help you out to give them the favour back in the future.

You’ve got a remarkable willpower, so don’t give up if you’re getting rid of bad habits. Besides, you’ll enjoy some great reflexes.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Your self-centered attitude could ruin your day. You'll be very thin-skinned and take any joke as a personal attack. If you're single, you'll be disappointed with your date as you won't have much in common.

As a manager, you'll want to reinforce the team spirit and reduce competition between your employees. You might jump on the bandwagon of buying five or six exotic plants all at once to decorate your home. Make sure their needs match the environment of your home.

Regarding health, don't get carried away by the ephemeral pleasure of eating or drinking too much.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You can easily meet happiness in your love life. Your communication skills are on point: you’ll understand what your spouse wants to tell you and your messages will come across clearly. Single Virgos will be charming today.

At work, nothing will be impossible for you. You’ll pursue excellence and this will lead to a promotion in the near future.

The Sun will multiply your energy levels and your body will ask you for a bit of movement. The weekend is here is you’re ready for action. Did you know that dancing is a very complete physical activity?

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Today will be a very active day in terms of your sexuality. Those in a relationship will take advantage of their playful side to boost their intimate experiences. Singles, on the other hand, will feel more ready for love.

When it comes to your job, things won't go so well. You'll feel sluggish, which will make you perform your tasks much slower. However, you'll do your best to get the job done.

Regarding your physical health, you'll feel great. Emotionally, nevertheless, you'll feel lonely and distant from everyone else.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

On an emotional level you shouldn't be in a hurry. If you're single, you'll soon find the one. If you're married, have a thorough chat with your partner.

At work you're well-regarded and well-liked. Plus, you know how to do job that other colleagues don't. For this very reason, you shouldn't worry about what you spend or don't spend.

When it comes to your health, you need to analyze and study your body. Sun marks aren't entirely good and you haven't checked yours in a long time.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

You may not be able to get closer to your partner today after having had some misunderstandings that pushed you two apart. Dialogue hasn’t been able to solve the problems so be patient and wait for a better planetary transit. If single, don’t trust first impressions.

As for work, the influence of the Stars favours deals and agreements. However, you shouldn’t waste money or exceed your budget.

Regarding your health, you’ll be quite stressed today. You’ll have to deal with anxiety, which can be difficult for you to handle.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

There are two issues that concern you in your love life today: a temptation from the past that will visit you this evening, and the possibility to settle all the arguments you have with your partner, friends, or family.

Today will be a quiet day at work and this calm will be great for you.

As for your health, you could feel a slight discomfort in the respiratory system. Luckily, it won’t be anything important and it won’t escalate but you should always remember to look after yourself. Love yourself, Capricorn.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Today the highlight in love is that you will regain harmony thanks to Venus. You will also experience very satisfying moments in the sexual world. On the other hand, singles could find the person they are looking for to start a relationship.

In the work field, caution will be essential. Financially, unforeseen expenses will arrive which will make you reconsider the way you organize your income.

On the health front, daily problems will cause you a terrible headache. To avoid this, there is nothing better than learning to free yourself from tensions.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You'll be more in love with your partner than ever. A magical atmosphere will be created at home, full of romance, passion and attraction. You're likely to receive a call from your child's school to arrange an urgent meeting.

If you're a rookie in your company, you should try to make friends with those colleagues that have the best reputation. As an older Pisces you'll feel you have quite a lot of built up fatigue and that you need some days off.

Remember to add Vitamin A-rich foods in your diet such as carrots, sweet potatoes or pumpkin.