Horoscope Wednesday on a background with clouds

Horoscope for March 24: Beware of Cosmic Influences

You can now read your horoscope for Wednesday, March 24, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You don’t know when it happened, but there’s someone else in your relationship. It’s usually said that three’s a crowd, but you should remember that each person makes up their own relationship rules.

It’s never a bad idea to learn new skills to improve communication at work; it’ll help you get some extra time and avoid incoming trouble.

And watch out with alcohol: the Horoscope says that it’s affected you more than usual lately. A glass of wine might keep the doctor away, but that applies to one glass only!

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

Taurus will try to find themselves today. You’re lost in the world of feelings and you’ll want a compass to guide your steps towards a parallel universe of pleasant feelings, were everything is different from what you’ve known until now.

Someone will come to you with a present to thank you for your good and constant gestures. It won’t be a necessity, but something you’ve wanted for a long time (and which you didn’t want to pay for).

When it comes to your diet you’ve been debunking myths about healthy foods. Some will even take the leap and start a vegetarian diet.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Life is not the same when you are away from your love. Happy moments are treasured in your mind and it seems that you'll have a better day if you're not alone.

The Moon in the sign of Leo could influence your work relationships in a negative way. The way you express yourself isn't always pleasant for some people who tend to keep their distance and be careful with their expressions.

Your well-being will have a fluctuating tone. If you keep yourself distracted, you'll feel better than if you're inactive.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’re ready to go out there and turn the world upside down. You’re an ultimate warrior and you won’t be defeated. If you fight someone else for winning your beloved’s heart, you’ll be quicker than your rival and win them over.

You’ll bump onto a serious obstacle at work; it’s time to see if it’s easier to dodge it and let others take over the task.

You’re not sleeping well at night because you overthink issues, you love putting more and more weight onto your personal baggage.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Your partner will be showing off in front of other people and may tell some secret things about you. It's not the first time he/she makes you look bad in order to be liked and approved by others.

It's time for a serious conversation. You'll be so excited about the new project at work that instead of keeping it secret, you'll be eager to shout it from the rooftops. Try to be more patient.

Regarding health, your sacrifice to get in shape is starting to show and you'll be complimented on your physical appearance.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You’re about to meet someone very special who can bring happiness into your life. If you’re in a relationship, put some effort and show your love to your partner.

You tend to be diplomatic but you'll see something unfair at work and you will feel the need to speak your mind. It’s a good day for the natives who work as lawyers, writers, or philosophers.

Don’t spend too much money on bad-quality trendy items. If you have insomnia, you can treat your red eyes with eye drops.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Your inborn charisma and sexual magnetism will boost your social life and improve your heart matters. If you and your partner have been going through a rough patch, all the tensions will come to the surface so that they can be finally healed. 

Regarding work, you'll be very successful if you find the balance between giving and receiving. Your openness, initiative, and instincts will impress your superiors and bring you professional success.

As for your health, some planetary influences in your sign may lead you to constant mood swings. You'll find it hard relax and find harmony in your relationships.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

In order to enjoy these moments brought by the planets, you’ll have to leave behind any negative concepts of the other person and let go of all grudges which damage your mind and delay the arrival of love and happiness into your life.

You’re attracting good karma, which will come to your aid during conflicts or drama. You’ll be an ace of mediation, negotiating improvements which will favour many people at work.

Today you feel very well physically and psychologically.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

You need for love but you’re too lazy to ask for it. You might have social anxiety or a low self-esteem. Pay special attention to the mood of those around you in order to avoid dramas.

You are patient and determined and this means that you could get a promotion today. You’re motivated to work harder and achieve good results but don’t be too submissive because this could add more pressure to your work.

Mars could make you be a bit selfish at some point so find a balance and try to think things clearly before getting angry quickly or rushing decisions.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Today will be a very positive day for your love life. You’re in a better mood and you feel that you have more freedom and a greater sex appeal. You’re aware of your needs and if you’re single, someone may ask you on a date.

Your creativity will give your career more opportunities and you could receive good news. It’s a good day to negotiate at work or try your luck finding a new job.

Are you trying to get pregnant? The Stars will help you, Capricorn.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Some cosmic influences might cause an inability to truly relax and find harmony in your relationship. Try to adjust, correct or adapt your behaviour.

On a professional level, the presence of Saturn marks a season of hard work and responsibility. It represents the culmination of years of effort and fighting for your goals.

On a health level, Uranus in quadrant brings with it a disruption of unexpected changes which affect your routine and life as a whole. Under this tension you’ll want to free yourself, which might bother others.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You feel like you're walking the tightrope in your love life. If you want to save your relationship, show your partner how much you love them. Pisces who are getting a divorce won't reach any agreements with their ex.

If you work in a cutting-edge area or in a company’s innovation department, you’ll have bold proposals and your team will follow you without objections. But someone who doesn’t agree with your plans will criticize your idea behind your back.

Before you ask your doctor for anxiety medication, why don't you try natural remedies such as linden or Valerian root infusions?