Horoscope Saturday on a background with clouds

Your Horoscope for February 27: Snow Full Moon in Virgo

You can now read your horoscope for Saturday, February 27, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Horoscope Saturday on a background with clouds
Read your summary Horoscope for 27th February 2021 | Daily Horoscope

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Your romantic life will go by without too many surprises. You’ll have a bustling agenda filled with entertainment. Perhaps you’ll let yourself go with your friends’ goals instead of your partner’s interests, and this could bring some clashing.

Don’t daydream with large projects, because today luck won’t be on your side, and some elementary tasks could be more tedious than usual.

Before going to bed, try to take an aromatic salt bath, and you’ll leave the stress to float away and drain down with water.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You'll be very well influenced in the romantic sphere; the last Saturday of February will bring you much joy and satisfaction, and you'll take a good step to formalize commitments. If you're seeing someone often you want to know if you can already say that you're a couple, or if he or she just sees you as a temporary distraction.

Things won't happen as fast as you would like to imagine in matters of work. You'll try very hard to balance your schedule, but you'll collect delays and unforeseen events.

Clean out your medicine cabinet of unnecessary medications, as well as expired ones.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Those who live with you or spend part of their time with you will be distant and fussy. The truth of the ability to coexist of all those involved will be tested in simple issues of daily life and you'll have to make an effort not to fall into unpleasant or negative attitudes.

The environment might not be favorable for certain commercial actions that require security and stability, however, don't lose hope because the ideal client could appear.

For this Saturday the health of Gemini natives will be very good.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

There’ll be a special bond for many of you in your relationship. The universe will multiply your charm, and you’ll be pleased to make the other person happy. You’ll stay alert for their suggestions and try to make them a reality.

Use your day for studying, and in the same way, learn more about the company that just called you if you’re in for an interview soon.

Just because the weekend’s here doesn’t mean you can throw your workouts out the window. Avoid thinking of excuses to skip exercise, and head off to the gym!

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Your partner will ask for help from your family to convince you of a decision you should make on your own. The single Leo thinks he or she is being taken for a ride in love. You'll need answers to make your heart clear.

The lion with a business of their own will probably have to work today to finish a project on time. You'll have to be on top of your workers to keep them on task.

The Full Moon in Virgo is in your zone of personal valuation. It closes a cycle where your self-image has changed. You've developed new skills focused on new goals.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Complicity is present in Virgo's life, especially if you have taken advantage of the weekend to do something out of the ordinary with your partner. The contact with unusual landscapes and new sensations will strengthen your bonds.

Looking ahead to the new month you need a good time to bring your accounts up to date, checking that everything is in order. You'll find, with patience, that some pieces will be out of place, and you'll be able to prevent future problems.

Take advantage of the arrival of the weekend to go to a natural region, and thus surround yourself with pure and clean air.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Today's prediction reveals that, with Venus in your V House, the possibility of a romance or crush arises, which will be reinforced with the entrance of the Sun in the VII House shortly, what seemed like a fling becomes something deeper.

On the work front, you'll continue with your quiet pace of an unchanging day-to-day life and an untroubled job. There are no new projects, nor are you looking for them.

In your health, you should learn to relax and slow down so that your health is not damaged.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Those natives of the sign of the scorpion who are currently single will feel strengthened in their ability to seduce and very confident in finding the love of their life. Love from the past could reappear, for those who are lonely it could be a time of the month when they feel their world changing.

There's no great energy available at this time for renovations or changes, on the contrary, you'll want to keep things as they are.

The energetic effluvia is magnificent in terms of health and physical well-being.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

The passage of Venus over the III House of Sagittarius is near, and will contribute in this sense to propitiate balance in what you think and what you feel, as well as to turn your focus towards what you consider really important for you.

In the professional field, work will go well for you. It's a low time, in which you'll have no news or changes or new projects.

In health, it's true that for some time you aren't completely fit, that is to say, bad habits are taking their toll on you.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

When you want to connect with your partner you succeed, perhaps not with the warmth they expect, however, the good influence of the Moon in an Earth sign favors all signs of this element. If you were distanced from your partner today you can take advantage and try to get closer.

This Saturday you may begin to think seriously about issues that project you into the future, you still have many unresolved issues and your goal will be to strengthen your economy.

The moon in Virgo encourages you to start diets, exercises and routines that will lead you to greater well-being.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Aquarians will enjoy a favorable period for relationships, although things aren't exactly going smoothly at home, due to the entry of Uranus in the fourth house of the sign.

Professionally, today will be a rather unstable and changing day. You'll only save yourself if you do a job where creativity and your imagination are important. Luckily, you will be very creative.

In health, you're taking advantage of the lessons of the past to manage what you want to carry out now in your life.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Today's full Moon in Virgo touches your natal chart zone of partnership and marriage. Many Pisceans will have transformed their relationship into a healthier and more balanced one. And, those who have not succeeded, will put an end to this love bond in the coming days.

The native workers of this sign, professionals in the health field, will feel very tired and even exhausted. You'll be aware of your battles, and your discomfort. 

You'll consider starting to take the necessary steps to change what doesn't make you happy.