Horoscope Tuesday on a sky background with shooting stars

Your Horoscope for July 27: The Moon and the zodiacal position in relation to Mars

You can now read your horoscope for Tuesday, July 27, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: Don't miss out on your prediction for 26 July - 1 August 2021

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Everything’s going according to plan in love, so you can consider yourself lucky. You’ll find new areas to your partner’s personality, and it’ll make you proud and happy to see how kind they are.

You keep getting more and more options to be professionally independent and take the wheel behind orders. You’ll be pretty lucky in business, although your personal finances won’t do that well.

Today you’ll be able to channel stress and reload energy. The lack of sleep won’t be an issue for your performance.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You have the natural charm to woo anyone you want. However, don't forget to love yourself above all else. In your marriage passion and romance will combine.

Work can become an addiction if you don't keep on top of your schedule. Are you on holiday? The turn off your mobile phone and forget about the rest of the world, they'll be able to cope without you.

You'll stand out in your health both because of your resilience and your strength. You'll know your body very well and how much you can give of yourself.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

You'll have an irrational fear of being abandoned by your partner, so you'll avoid talking to them about sensitive issues. You'll have to be the mediator in a family dispute, making the two parts come to an agreement.

You'll be given bad news regarding that project that you were preparing, because you won't be allowed to start it yet. You won't give up and will look for alternatives to continue working on it.

Don't force your body if you're currently going through physical rehabilitation, you could get severely hurt and start over again.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’re finding new ways to break ties with routine while enjoying the beautiful influences of your love. Listen to your partner, they’ve got important things to say to make progress in your story.

You’re not interested about making business changes; the stars say you’re better off staying calm. You will have to defend your interests, though, because there’s people going up against them.

Sometimes fear takes over you in health, there’s too many bad news on the media. But that doesn’t mean you should stop enjoying life.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

If you've been going through a crisis in your marriage, you'll notice that things are getting better. You and your partner will be willing to fight to overcome this huge slump together.

At work, you'll spend the day engaging in conversations with your colleagues in order to avoid performing your tasks. You'll meet a business person with the same sense of humor as you. You'll soon connect and talk about a future collaboration.

Leo, no miracle tea or infusion will help you achieve your ideal weight. Don't be fooled by advertisements.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You (or someone around you) will experience a very beautiful moment in love. This will be an important date to remember. Forgetting it could be very disappointing for the other people involved. It’s a good day for dialogue at home. You will have plenty of time at work and you can expect good news if you work in IT.

Be careful and don’t spend money on unnecessary items when shopping for groceries; you always choose expensive things! Your health will improve today.

Listen to your body and don’t hold in urine, it can have very negative consequences.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Libra, your prediction regarding love foresees a fantastic day. Those who are in a couple will feel fortunate and loved. The single ones will surely meet someone special.

At work, you won't be able to advance as much as you wanted, but it won't be because of the lack of effort. Those who work on their own will make great progress.

In terms of health, if you've been suffering from an illness, you'll start feeling better today. However, you should create more healthy habits and stick to them, which seems to be the problem.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

The moon and the zodiac position regarding Mars promotes a new relationship. Your feelings are running high, but you don't dare take the leap. For this very reason, we feel this is the right moment to confess your feelings to the person you like. All will be well.

On the other hand, on a professional level there's something that is making your life very difficult. You can overcome this, Scorpio.

Finally, on a health level there's nothing concerning. Relax and go for it tomorrow.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

It’s time you take a break from yourself, remember to continue stimulating your social skills as they are very important for you. Your creativity will make others see you as very attractive.

The position of the planets will benefit your finances and money will come to you, it will just take a bit long and maybe will come with complications. Use your words carefully and don’t make any decision without thinking or reading first.

Your health will be good and you feel very positive. You could benefit from a massage.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Even if you’d like to save someone you love so much from getting hurt, you won’t be able to. No one can stand between destiny and a human being and you’ll experience the frustration of accompanying someone you hold very dear to the darkest paths of life.

Don’t expect raises or loans today. Your finances are experiencing a worrying situation, you feel your lack of cash and that encourages you to think of new ways to sell your products or services. You may even try new sellers.

You are in an astral disposition to suffer from stomach pains.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

If routine threatens your love life, looking for an affair is not the solution. The best thing to do is to talk it through with your partner and together you will find a way to rekindle the spark. As for singles, you will shy away from possessive relationships right away.

With respect to work, you will be somewhat discouraged and will need the guidance of someone you trust. You will not do badly financially.

On the health front, your body is asking for a rest. It would do you good to take a holiday by the sea or a swimming pool or go to a spa.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Your emotions will be stable, which will allow you to feel grateful for the love you'll receive from your partner. As a single Pisces you'll have a romantic date which could end up becoming a friendship.

Everyone will be talking about you in your professional circle. You'll start gaining great prestige and fame, which will allow you to give a good boost to your career.

You'll want to look sexier so you'll wear the tightest clothes in your wardrobe. This won't let your skin breathe or you might get a rash.