Horoscope Sunday on a sky background with shooting stars

Your Horoscope for May 30: Venus And Uranus Are Very Close

You can now read your horoscope for Sunday, May 30, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’re moving on from how badly hurt you were in the past. Don’t punish yourself for the love that could have been but wasn’t, perhaps because you made a poor choice or you were too shy or coward.

You’ll be crystal clear with any workmates who want to undermine you and your career. No one should doubt your capability for managing responsibilities.

You feel fine, but your nerves are a bit all over the place. Watch your body closely, because you could get minor skin rashes as a consequence of stress.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

The daily prediction for Taurus speaks for a very stable love life. You know how to take your time to enjoy life with moments where you have to go at a million miles an hour, and others where you have to hit the break.

You’ll feel overwhelmed at work, with a lot more to do than you can physically accomplish. Your focus might fail at times, and then you’ll have to ask for help from someone you fully trust so they can give you a hand.

Accept some social proposals, but only if you’re truly interested in them. Staying at home isn’t a bad plan either, you know?

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

When the Sun and the Moon are in such a favourable position, energy movements are way more helpful in matters of love because you have a smooth and sweet predisposition to it. You see the glass half full and that improves every aspect of your life.

Regarding work, this is the day in which you'll have an intense concentration, so you should make the most of it and finish as much pending work as you can.

When it comes to your wellbeing, it's the perfect time to practice artistic activities and give free rein to your creativity in order to boost your integral health.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Show your partner what you can do. This isn’t the time to be a coward, you’ve got to defeat your oldest fears. The path to love will be filled with good vibes this Sunday, and you’ll push away issues to sort them out some other time.

You need to manage your time much better to be ready for any unexpected turns of events.

Take care of your health projects, especially if you’re getting started with a new workout regime at the gym, or if your nutritionist has designed a diet plan that fits you like a glove. Be more patient too!

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

You'll meet the person you've been dreaming of for a long time and let yourself go. Give your best to deepen this bond, which will be consolidated over time. Leos who have a stable partner will enjoy an increased desire for sex.

You'll compare your work and economic situation with the people around you. Remember that today you may be at the top and tomorrow at the bottom, so avoid feeling superior to anyone.

Regarding health, accept your condition or problem. The people you love deserve to know the truth, too.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Don’t be too humble when it comes to your love life. You need to use all your weapons and get ready to seduce – or be seduced! If you’re single, laughter will get you closer to the person you fancy so show your powerful smile.

It’s Sunday, make sure your schedule isn’t too busy with work. You’re ready to take risks that will let you see your future from a better perspective.

You’re willing to exercise and even go to the gym! As for your mental health, remember that chatting to someone else can help you relativize your problems.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

The proximity of Venus and Uranus may cause profound changes in Libras' relationships. You'll find out that some friends aren't there for you when you need them most. Those who are in a relationship should pay more attention to what their partner is saying.

Your work will be very demanding; however, if you count on your determination, you'll achieve your objectives.

Regarding health, you need to pay attention to your immune system. Keep exercising on a regular basis, try to have a restful sleep, cut down on sugar and manage your stress.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

You might feel guilty regarding something that happened in the past; you might feel what many call “karma”. You’ll need to avoid sad or remorseful thoughts.

If you’re looking for a job, you might feel at a loss as you’ve probably got a specific career in a field, and now you’re afraid of exploring new areas of employment.

None of what can be observed in the zodiac wheel makes us foresee that health could be a problem this Sunday for Scorpios.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

You have found a way to leave your setbacks behind and move towards your happiness, Sagittarius. The influence of the Moon will let you know what to say or do. If you’re in a stable relationship, you should beware of that person who has reappeared and threatens your happiness.

Are you bored at work? Be patient and don’t give up: things are going to get better very soon! Of course, you need to limit your working hours and don’t forget to look after yourself.

Your good mood will help you deal with everything and work on your spiritual side

Read your complete Sagittarius prediction for 30 May 2021

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Start analysing your own flaws instead of focusing on your partner’s. This will help you reach a better understanding and you’ll become humbler. If you’re single, someone is interested in you and if you feel the same, you should give in to this new adventure.

You’re very responsible and shouldn’t get caught in confusing situations at work. If you’re unemployed, your rivals are strong but you know what you’re doing and where you want to go and this will keep you motivated.

Those who suffer from chronic pain or disease should be careful and choose a professional who can help them.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Those who are single know that if they want to, they can seduce whoever they want to, as they are charming enough to do so. However, they also know that playing with fire can have consequences.

In the professional field, things are going well for you, although you aim for something better, for the moment you have decided to keep your current position while you prepare yourself for future changes.

Regarding health, you will face life with courage, with great determination and you will love to innovate and try new ways to achieve your goals.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Single Pisces are getting carried away by too much illusion for someone new. Slow down, Pisces, or you'll have a nasty disappointment in a few days. Those who are in a relationship will have a strange day with their partner.

The good aspect of your regent, Neptune, with Mars, enhances your energy to put your project into motion. Mercury starts its second retrograde cycle of the year in Gemini, try to check all family contracts involving money and duties regarding your children.

Individual workouts done as part of a team will be wonderful for you, such as spinning or Zumba class.
