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Your Horoscope for July 4: You should leave space for spirituality

You can now read your horoscope for Sunday, July 4, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: Don't miss out on your prediction for 5-11 July 2021

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’ve had better days in love, but that’s okay. Stay alert for your partner’s needs, they want more affection than what they’re currently getting from you.

You’ll be ambitious and fierce at work, although it could become an obsession on a day when you’re supposed to take a break from responsibility.

In order to feel physically better, do things more calmly. You’re rushing through life too much, and you’ve become careless in crucial health issues.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You'll calmly go with the flow this Sunday. You're willing to dodge tense situations, and you'll leave any unresolved business for later.

Analyse your latest business deals, especially, if you've been making moves without telling anyone about it. You shouldn't speculate in business, don't let greed get the better of you. Your schedule is packed with social events, which will make you eat more than you should.

Meditation will help you overcome laziness, your worst enemy.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

You feel like jumping in at the deep end with a particular person, but the values you've been taught don't condone your wishes. Gemini, do what you believe and get rid of those old-fashioned traditions and beliefs.

The astral climate predicts that you'll experience a disappointment at work. You'll be eager to start a new project, but, unfortunately, it'll be cancelled. If your job is related to home cleaning, you'll get new clients.

You'll start to quickly recover from a common cold. If you have allergies, your sinusitis will get better as well.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You know how to create a nice romantic environment around you, and your sixth sense will help you focus and satisfy your marriage’s needs. You’re more sensible than many people tend to think.

Career-wise, you’ll chase after that truth that’s just not coming out, because you know there’s certain data that escapes your grasp, which stops you to have a real perspective on reality.

You’ll have a good day health-wise, although laziness will make you clumsy and drowsy. It’s obvious that some of your body odour will change if you’ve started on a new medical treatment or diet.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Single Leos will see someone attractive, but won't approach them to engage in a conversation. You'll prefer to keep your distance and find out more about this person. In order to make your children happy, you'll sign them up for a camp where they can learn a foreign language or do adventurous activities.

Leos who have a joint business with their spouse could have a dispute over the financial management of the company.

Your skin will be especially sensitive to the sun's harmful rays. Don't forget to apply sunscreen before leaving home.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You find beauty where others can’t see it and you focus on the details and little things that make life worthwhile. You’re becoming more confidence but you may still an episode of jealousy.

Don’t forget to congratulate your teammates for your recent successes. If someone makes hurtful comments to you, ignore their words – you know they’re just jealous.

You will be physically agile and able to recover easily from previous injuries. Your friends will have interesting plans so break the monotony and make the most of your leisure time.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

If you show your friendlier side, you'll get more desired attention. Those who have a partner will be very romantic and creative today. When it comes to your family, there may be some arguments due to different points of view.

As for your profession, most of you will be very lucky. The self-employed could get involved in a conflict.

Finally, in health, it's important to take care of yourself to prevent illnesses. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, you're less likely to get ill, although sometimes it's not up to you.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

You've never been a particularly spiritual person, Scorpio, but today you'll have to be, as everything that will happen to you is linked to this world. Meeting someone who, for the time being, won't have any importance for you but who, in a few days, will get you out of a picke.

Plus, you'll hear or read something somewhere which you'll have to apply to your position at work.

These are tests from the Universe to get you to trust it, and its truthfulness.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Those natives who are single will approach love relationships from a different point of view. This will help you enjoy the moment. However, if you’re in a relationship, you don’t seem to want to change your habits. Arguments over unimportant issues will be the dynamic of the day. The same happens in the family environment, where you will not be able to take the reins.

At work, everything points to an important transformation so try to be patient. Some natives may even change careers!

As for your health, you’re considering an important change in your diet.

Read your complete Sagittarius prediction for 4 July 2021

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Sunday has finally arrived! It’s the day you have to rest and relax. Find your peace of mind and don't let anyone bother you today. You need these moments for yourself to discover what you need to improve in life.

Capricorns are people who are always looking for more and more and that’s something that your family values and understands because you always want to be better.

However, this eagerness to change for the better sometimes saturates and annoys those people around you. Control your mood swings and your attitude at work.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Today natives of the sign of Aquarius have good times in store. Both singles and couples will enjoy love. Also, in the area of the family a situation will finally be resolved. With this step forward, harmony will once again prevail in the home.

On the work front, there are also good prospects. You will achieve your aims, but you will have to work hard for them.

Finally, in health, you will feel good physically. You are more likely to devote yourself to sports. The unprepared, however, will do the opposite.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Sexy games with food will rekindle the flame of passion in marriages (hot chocolate in particular). You'll reproach your siblings or cousins that you're always the one helping your parents or grandparents.

You'll read important news about the company you work at, and you'll be worried that it might cause negative changes to your job. Make your weekly shop a tool to help the environment, by shopping at small local businesses.

Strong or repetitive noises will give you a headache, you need to escape somewhere quiet.