Horoscope Friday on a dark sky background

Your Horoscope for June 4: A Season Of Happiness Begins

You can now read your horoscope for Friday, June 4, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’re thinking about giving a brand-new chance to someone who failed you in love, but you’re obviously ambushed by doubt. Now you don’t know whether the story will have a happy ending or not, because you’ve changed, but they have too (and you don’t know if it was for the better or worse).

You’ve lost some of your inner shame at work, and you’ve got a great benefit after that: people are taking your suggestions more seriously.

Play the cautious move in health: if you let go with excess and extreme adventures, you’ll be too close to the edge, and the fall will be a big, loud thud.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

Love is in the air, it is manifest and palpable this Friday, where you're not willing to waste your valuable time on insipid stories. You know what your best assets are and how to offer them to your partner (or the person you like).

Be punctual like a Swiss clock when it comes to business. If you have to go to work don't be late, you'll be very efficient and you'll finish your tasks earlier, giving you more time to spend with your loved ones.

You might be temporarily indiposed due to a minor accident at home.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

A stage of happiness is starting, specially if you have suffered a loss or been through a conflict. Those natives who are in a marriage, will take back the thrill of the beginning.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, in retrograde movement in Gemini, will make many of you reconsider if this is the life that you really want and if you need a big change.

Health issues like stress or anxiety need to be taken care of. Otherwise, they'll manifest in physical pains.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Right now you don’t care about looks, you want someone with inner beauty, someone with whom you can share likes and fears.

At work, you can’t quite find your place, and you don’t know if it’s because you changed or everyone else did. You’re almost in complete opposition against any business or money-related issues, and you’ll be particularly delicate when signing contracts.

Pay close attention to where you step at all times, you could take a nasty fall on a step higher than expected.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Single or divorced Leos will be very disappointed in the person they've been dating. You'll realize that he/she has no source of income and is looking for someone to support them financially. You deserve someone who loves you for who you are, not what you have.

You'll be very gossipy and may reveal some secrets about your partner or family members. If you don't want them to feel betrayed, keep your mouth shut.

Leos who are salespeople or have their own business will be especially lucky today. You'll manage to sign beneficial agreements with new clients.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Temptation is around you and you will be driven to live clandestine adventures. If you’re in a relationship, your partner could find out so think before you do anything wrong. If you’re single, you could be interested in two different people.

You will also be tempted at work – you could feel like risking your money on investments. You’re hopeful for the future and cutting back on daily expenses.

You will find it difficult to start a diet during the weekend but you should try to be moderate if you want to be happy when weighing yourself.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Your love life will be benefited today. Arguments, conflicts and heartaches will be left behind. Single Libras will have an opportunity to meet someone very attractive and connect with him/her.

Regarding work, things won't go as expected, but they'll improve soon, so don't get discouraged by the difficult beginnings. Find the strength to face the challenges, since deep down inside you know that not everything is lost.

In terms of health, you may face problems related to hearing, such as otitis or another ear disease.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Your unhappiness with certain areas of your life might make you express a rather sombre or even aggressive behaviour at home, especially towards your partner. Single Scorpios should stay alone to avoid expressing themselves in a way that lets their bad temper show.

The stars will make you have trouble financially, which could be sorted a lot more easily than you think.

Your health might suffer due to how you mistreat your body at times..

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Your love life will be positive and your partner might bring you hope with some unexpected news. Although some of the youngest ones in the family might be rebellious, you will enjoy a good family atmosphere. If you’re single, someone interesting will appear into your life.

Some might be challenging your position at work but you will fight for what’s yours. Don’t accept help before knowing the conditions of the deal, Sagittarius.

It’s normal to feel angry or stressed if you’re not feeling alright, but don’t add more drama to the drama and don’t get caught up in negative emotions.

Read your complete Sagittarius prediction for 4 June 2021

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

The affairs of the heart may take a lot of your energy today. Some natives will be interested in someone from work. It may not be the most romantic environment but at least it will let you get to know that person well.

However, you could get distracted this may have negative consequences on your performance at work. You should try to focus more on your objectives.

You appear calm but your mind is constantly thinking. Try to remain flexible if something unexpected happens today.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

If you are in a relationship, Aquarius, it’s possible during these days that you are more receptive and interested in it. You are more willing to socialise and to talk about and show personal issues more openly.

As for work, obligations will be more noticeable and they can be developed via careful dedication, organisation and a good work plan.

In health, you’re not always willing to express yourself as ideally as you would like but there’s a chance you’ll feel stronger and more able to do so over the next few days.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Your desire to reconnect with a toxic past love might cloud your judgement. Whether if you're in a relationship or not, a friend might become a passionate love.

You're too flexible with your budget and payment methods and then you end up in a pickle. Be more rigid wit your terms, there are many con artists knocking about. Your purchases to start a new hobby will deplete your wallet.

Dusting your house while wearing socks might lead to a nasty fall and you could end up with a broken hip. Be sensible and don't jeopardize your physical integrity.
