Horoscope Wednesday on a dark sky background

Horoscope for May 5: The Astral Effluvia Indicate Strength

You can now read your horoscope for Wednesday, May 5, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’ll interact with your partner and enjoy a deep connection you hadn’t felt in a while. You’ll be free from fears and guilt. The universe allows you to step away from those work battles that aren’t meant for you.

You’ll let each person pull their own weight, and you won’t give advice, even if you’re asked to do so. Your priority will be your exclusive personal duties.

You’ll become interested in diets you’ve never tried before, especially those that give seasonal fruit and vegetables top priority.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

There’ll be a bit of daydreaming for couples; this Wednesday of May you’ll feel you’re in the company of the most wonderful person in the world.

At work, you’ll notice that you’re being asked to do impossible things. Those at the top have seen that you’re very capable, and are putting you to the test, to see to what point you deserve a promotion (or any other improvements in your conditions).

A new and interesting project linked to sports is within your reach; it will see exotic, especially if we’re talking about activities coming from another country.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

This seems to be an extraordinary time for many natives of this sign who may feel compelled by destiny to take a definitive path in a love affair.

They will receive praise for their professional performance from leaders or who arouse admiration in these natives. Regarding money, if you're thinking of expanding your activities, the stars encourage you to look for ways to earn a little more money each day by doing a parallel activity.

The astral effluvia indicate strength and energy to resist the pressure of the environment but not without a feeling of tiredness or melancholy.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Lower down your demand level! You keep questioning yourself on whether you’re truly making your partner and family happy, whether you’re on par with expectations or if you’re failing at life.

Good manners will be deeply ingrained into your work environment, although this isn’t your politest day. You should avoid excessively starstruck roles.

You feel like you’ve got a target on you where all insects and bugs are aiming. Use repellent, especially if you’ll be walking around natural spaces.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Social pressure and things that you're supposed to do in a relationship have led you to curtail your own freedom. Don't be afraid to improvise and unleash your funniest side. This way you'll be able to break the monotonous routine of your marriage or conquer someone just as crazy as you.

Before you ask for better conditions at work, make sure you deserve them. Show your abilities and diplomatic skills to the rest of the team.

Be careful when collecting wild plants for infusions, as some of them are very toxic.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You feel like the protagonist of a romantic novel although you know that perfection doesn’t exist all the time. Your partner appreciates your efforts and you will enjoy a fantastic day together full of positivity.

You’re hard-working and there’s nothing you can’t do if you try hard. You won’t give in to anybody’s demands: you’ll stay firm when your workmates ask you for unfair favours, and you’ll be able to control your finances at home.

If you’re not willing to go to the gym, you can still exercise and go for a brisk walk – just move!

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Today you may live passionate but controversial experiences. What really matters is that you respect your will and do what you really want. No matter how frustrating the situation may seem, if that's what your heart wants, sooner or later it'll become more stable. 

In terms of work, you'll experience a period of tranquility. Pay more attention to your surroundings or invite your colleagues to take part in a new project.

You may get disappointed with work or financial issues, but you'll learn to look at things from a wider perspective before falling into a nervous breakdown.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

The moon is entering a fellow water sign: Pisces. It will bring all sorts of improvements in your emotional and romantic rapports, Scorpio.

Those who are under the strain of a work contract that demands more than it gives back, might find recognition for their skills at a different company.

This Thursday good news and the lunar energy bring Scorpios a fragrant and pleasant vitality. Mars in a good aspect, also in a water sign, brings you wellbeing and joy.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

You will make decisions regarding the best way to do things in your love life. Your relationship could be facing a challenging time but if you make the right decisions, you will be able to learn and carry out a significant change.

You will be very creative at work and together with the help of a younger Virgo, you will be able to make risky but successful decisions.

Your health will be strong as long as you don’t overexert yourself. Save some time to rest and relax and you will make the most of your energy.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

The confusing situations in your love life will remind you of old soap operas and you will have to adapt to all this chaos. Things aren’t always as structured as you want them to be but if you let life surprise you, you will be able to enjoy more.

Things won’t be easy to control at work either so try to avoid confrontation with your workmates and understand that we do things differently.

Look after your skin by drinking plenty of water and moisturizing it regularly.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Today you’ll face a lot of love in your heart and renewed passion which will keep your senses sharp. This goes both for Aquarius who are in a relationship and for those who are single.

On a professional level, try to give it your all to make your dreams come true but, above all, trust in yourself and in your ability to achieve what you’ve set out to.

When it comes to your health, today you lack energy, and you’ll have to face this situation with a sense of humour. Plus, now that the moon is waxing, you’d do well to focus completely on a diet.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

We have good news for you: the stars indicate that great and passionate love will be closer than ever. Pisces who are in a long-distance relationship will start asking themselves if it's worth it.

Yesterday’s bad temper gives way to pessimism at work. But it's worthless to complain and do nothing about it. If you don’t like your situation, change it. Students shouldn't lose their motivation, as their effort will be worthwhile.

Even if you’re a lot better from medical intervention, you shouldn’t do anything crazy.
