Horoscope Wednesday on a sky background with shooting stars

Your Horoscope for July 7: The stars predict an unexpected event

You can now read your horoscope for Wednesday, July 7, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Your love of details has become an obsession in your love life. Your partner will feel like they’re clawing for air, so slow down a little. If you’re single, you’ll sort out some disturbing doubts, which you haven’t shared openly just yet.

Today’s a great day for contract signing as long as every single clause and section is well-defined.

Your schedule might be packed, but cancelling your medical or specialised doctor appointment isn’t a good idea. You’ll enjoy yourself exploring new spiritual trends.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

When it comes to your love life, you won't mind having a monotonous day. Sometimes it's nice to travel on the smooth path, rather than rocky hills full of ups and downs.

At work you'lll be quite reserved and individualistic, and you'll prefer to sort out your problems by yourself; you don't want anyone's help. Buying and selling antiques can help you make some money.

Try to differentiate which matters are a priority and which are trivial. The efforts you make to stay in shape are worthwhile.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

You'll be cold and distant with your partner. Showing them love and affection won't come naturally from you. You'll be clueless about the reason, either you've lost interest or there's an external factor that's affecting you. It's a good time to start that family project that you've been wanting to do for so long.

If you work in a public administration, you'll be asked to give up your values in order to work faster.

Today's not the best day when it comes to your health. Choose to do light exercise.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You know that love is an essential pillar on your life. You can forgive someone who did wrong as long as they intend to start doing right from now on.

At work, you create nice conversations to clear up crisis situations; you choose to keep a harmonious vibe up and you’ll clarify your role in some controversial actions. However, you should manage time better, and don’t elongate mindless situations (such as some of your phone calls).

Art will help you heal up wounds in your soul, especially if you’ve got creative talent.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

You'll play detective with your partner and try to guess how he/she feels by observing their gestures, tone of voice, actions, etc. You will draw your own conclusions and act accordingly.

The stars predict an unexpected setback in your career. Some Leos will receive a job proposal that they won't like. Try to decline it as diplomatically as possible.

At the end of the day, list some good things that have happened to you today, such as having your favorite dessert or watching a butterfly land on your shoulder.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You feel like living your relationship with more intensity and repairing the bonds that have been damaged with time. If you’re single, remember that you can find love in the most unsuspected place.

You’ve done a great job that will be recognized. Now it's up to you to stay on top of it. Bring your most personal essence to what you do – even if you’re expected to do something different.

You could feel somehow tense and you don’t really feel like going to the gym or doing physical activity. Any excuse will work for you not to do anything!

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Today will be a very active day for Libras. Whether you're single or in a relationship, you'll enjoy spending time with your friends. This will lead you to meet new people. Single Libras may fall in love during a trip.

As for work, you'll start carrying out those big plans you have in mind. Unemployed Libras will consider changing their profession and looking for their true vocation.

Finally, in terms of health, some will have to pay a visit to the dentist. Otherwise, you'll be fine.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

You will have a very complicated day, because you'll have unexpected mood swings. Firstly, you'll feel really quite affectionate towards your partner. You might overwhelm them, but this is something you need.

On the other hand, it's not the time to have an important meeting at work. The stars are constantly changing, nothing can be ensured.

Finally, in order to prevent bad fortune, you should buy a rose quartz and always carry it with you. This will help you change the bad energies.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Today's horoscope reveals that something new will start in your love life. Maybe it’s a new relationship or maybe a common project with your current partner. The prediction for love is good in general.

As for work, you’ll manage to earn more money thanks to new contacts with influential people. This professional success will motivate you to improve the lives of others through humanitarian actions.

As for your health prediction, the Stars say that you’ll be very motivated and committed to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Read your complete Sagittarius prediction for 7 July 2021

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Capricorn, you’re experiencing many emotional changes in a short period of time. You need stability and tranquillity but you can't find it now.

As for your work, the Stars recommend that you relax and don’t try to change anything yet. For the moment you are fine as you are. You may be ambitious but you know that you feel moderately fulfilled in your position.

As for your health, you are going to feel a little weak today. Take it as an excuse to rest and reflect because that’s what your body is going to ask for. You can do it, Capricorn!

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Today your partner will suggest fun and different plans. Don't react badly to the surprise and be grateful for the effort. This person is trying to make you happy, don't be thoughtless. If you are single you will be busy planning a getaway with friends.

As far as work is concerned, the most important thing today is to protect yourself from possible abuse. Someone will try to charge you with something which is not your responsibility.

On the health front, on the other hand, things will go better than in previous days. Your body is beginning to recover its energy. You will feel much better.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You won't be able to agree on anything with your partner. You'll be very irritable and you'll aim cruel reproaches at your spouse. Careful Pisces, you might take it too far.

You'll share personal secrets at work, and work secrets with your family. In the end, you won't remember what you've told to who and you might end up saying too much. You'll receive some extra money but it will go on paying an unexpected bill.

You'll be rather clumsy and any abrumpt movements might become a painful injury. In order to hydrate your hair without leaving it too heavy, use jojoba oil.