Horoscope Weekly on a dark sky background

Weekly Horoscope for 15-21 March: The Sun Transits in Pisces

You can now read your horoscope for 15-21 March 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Horoscope Weekly on a dark sky background
Read your summary Weekly Horoscope for 15-21 March 2021 | Daily Horoscope

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’ll have an excellent mood, even if you’re usually grumpy. You feel like making your partner and the rest of the world happy, and you want things to be easy, so you’ll try not to lose your smile.

You’re trying to be more responsible at work; you won’t want to trail off the right track, and that’s why many colleagues will see you like someone who tries to move forward with what others have given up on.

Thinking too hard about all duties might be overwhelming, so don’t be surprised if you feel an itch or a skin break-out because of badly channeled nerves.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You’ll be a great support for those who are suffering from love. Over the next few days, a friend or relative will seek you out to tell you their romantic misfortunes and will ask for your opinion about them.

Some colleagues might want you to pay special attention to them; they’ll ask you to compliment them for no reason or they’ll simply want to be in the limelight a lot more than they deserve.

There’ll be times where your head will run away with you and you’ll have to take a break to find your centre of gravity again.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

You're lively and happy in your relationship because you have managed to manifest your sensuality with a playful and fun spirit. Your emotions will push you to take the initiative during the weekend. Try to contain the emotional torrent that you'll feel in front of any stimulus. You could manifest your irritation and hurt someone dear to you.

You may feel challenged to prove your worth and you won't stop until you do. The strength that Saturn brings from Aquarius will allow many to demonstrate their leadership and their ability to work.

Your health is good. You will have a lot of energy and will be inexhaustible.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

This is a week filled with mixed emotions. You’ll see yourself engulfed by a stressful routine which will grow denser because of minimal communication.

You’ll be encouraged by your colleagues to do things right. It’ll be the right time to fight laziness and progress with strong steps ahead.

Your progress in health will move forward too, luck will be on your side more often than usual, and you’ll be particularly agile about your daily routine. Sport initiatives will be especially successful, particularly if done in water.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Leos who have recently gone through a breakup will hide this information from their close friends as they won't be ready to talk about it yet. You'll also discover certain aspects and information that your partner, children, or other family members have been hiding from you.

The changes at work will help you increase your income. Look for new opportunities because they could lead you to the job of your dreams. With the entrance of the Sun in Aries, your desire to travel and study will increase considerably.

Your magnetism will help you enjoy your sexuality to the fullest.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

The peaceful aspect of your sky will have positive consequences on your ability to control your emotions. You will feel your heart beating stronger – even if you got your heart broken in the past. You don’t have to cry for someone who doesn’t love you!

If you run your own business, consider an advertising campaign that can attract new clients to your company. Being in the right spotlight will give you an extra dose of prestige and popularity.

Don’t believe the sports challenges you see online. There’s no magic formula that will turn you into a bodybuilder in a week.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Couples who have been going through a rough patch will have Mars on their side to help them make up. Learn from your mistakes, apologize if necessary and put your fears aside. Single Libras will be quite cautious and weigh the pros and cons before jumping into a new relationship.

Some Libras may get a promotion or a pay rise, but others will spoil this opportunity due to their lack of motivation.

Regarding health, you're clinging to beliefs that no longer serve you. Leave them behind to be able to grow.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Take the lunar energy in your favour from Wednesday onwards, when this celestial body will enter Taurus and project gentle and harmonious feelings on your relationships. During the weekend you might enjoy moments worthy of “Arabian Nights”.

You might feel great confidence in your skills, but you shouldn’t get too cocky, as Saturn in a tense aspect demands excellence and organization skills.

There’s an astral tendency to suffer inflammation and infections in eyes and ears.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

You will be surprisingly lucky in the area of love and your dreams may come true soon. Your ability to express your feelings will help you connect with those around you and if you’re single, you will have the chance to try and have something more stable with that special someone.

At work, you will focus on improving your skills and knowledge. It’s very important for you to organize and plan your work. It’s a good week for negotiations.

Even if you feel lazy, this is a perfect week to fight against the things that prevent you from evolving.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

This will be an active week for your family and home life. The children of your family will require plenty of attention. Whether you’re single or taken, you will have the opportunity of enjoying a happy relationship.

You will have to organize your time well because you’ll have plenty of work and deadlines. Be patient if you’re looking for a job – this isn’t the best week to find your ideal position.

You feel like boosting your immune system so eat plenty of vitamins, exercise often, and don’t forget to rest well.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Intense and romantic days await this week, Aquarius. What’s more, the planetary influences in your sign will make you experience love in all its splendour. Both those who are single and those who are in a relationship will notice the change.

Those who are self-employed might find new opportunities in fields they haven’t explored until now.

When it comes to your health, the most important thing this week is to realize the importance of breaking out of your sedentary lifestyle. Being sedentary can cause all sorts of circulatory and inflammatory problems.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Stable relationships will follow the good path of communication, fidelity, respect, affection, fun and a blooming sexuality. Those who are single and have started dating are in luck as everything will go swimmingly.

At work, you’ll be too focused on yourself. You’ll only care about what you think, and this will create problems. During the weekend you might spend a large sum of money on buying clothes to try and lift your spirits.

You’ll stop paying attention to your needs to attend to the needs of others. Make time in your schedule for self-care.