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Weekly Horoscope for 21- 27 June: Mars is transiting in Leo

You can now read your horoscope for 21 - 27 June 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

This week you’ll have just enough affection to keep your heart filled with bliss. The presence of your beloved conforts you, but there’ll be times you’ll prefer to be alone and work on your inner garden.

At work you’ll be quite efficient with responsibility, and even your most direct competition will praise your achievements.

Going to the gym every day is an excellent routine, but don’t forget that doing sport in the midst of nature is also great! If you go for a run around nature for a change, you’ll trade in nervousness and take away absolute peace and calm with you.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

If you lost some of your illusion in your love life, you’ll have to get it back, Taurus! Get to work this week, where you’ll be able to undo your biggest recent mistakes. Saying sorry has never been easier (or more honest).

On a professional level, it’s not the time to let down your guard. You’ll have to defend what belongs to you, no matter how tricky the work market is.

When it comes to your health, the atmosphere will be revitalizing and pleasant. Your hobbies will recharge your batteries when you’re feeling low, you need to make time to do the things that make you happy.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

You'll be down to give love another chance. You want to close your wounds and turn over a new leaf. This summer night you'll have the opportunity to meet a person who will give you butterflies in the stomach again.

You'll be able tu turn the tables so things turn out in your favour. You'll be delighted to show off your luxury purchases.

You'll have a good health. Mars will provide you energy and you'll know how to focus it in order to do activities that make you happy.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’ve become a realist in love; you’re trading in the fairytale fantasies you used to live in for less magical situations, but filled with charm anyway.

The doors to success are open, but you feel intimidated about crossing the threshold. It looks as if you’d rather watch other people rejoice in victory like an average person in the crowd. You’re willing to forgive some of your past mistakes.

You’re letting the wounds you might have inflicted on yourself heal up. In that sense, meditation will become your best healing ally.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

If you've been feeling disconnected from your partner, you'll reconnect with him/her towards the end of the week. It's a perfect moment for single Leos to heal their wounds and open doors to love again.

At work, you'll feel more comfortable taking orders than giving them. You'll be also surprised with an opportunity to land your dream job.

Regarding health, you'll make progress in terms of achieving your goals, whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle or having more stamina. Take advantage of St. John's Eve and ask your angels for guidance.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

The love project you have put so much effort into is finally bearing fruit. This will encourage you to keep working hard to make things evolve. What seemed to be a small romance is turning into a serious relationship.

You are very tenacious in matters of work. You know how to defend your interests and you’ll be a warrior who won’t allow anyone to play you for a fool.

Your health projects are also changing. The Stars endow you with a critical spirit which lets you detect weaknesses in order to work on them.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

You'll find it difficult to accept when things don't go your way, which will cause arguments with your partner. However, in midweek, you'll try to regain passion and spice up your intimate life. Single Libras will have to let go of their fears to progress in terms of relationships.

Your conditions and performance at work will improve, but you'll be frustrated due to the slow progress.

Learn to relax so that stress doesn't affect your health. Go for a walk in nature and make yourself a priority.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

This week is great to recharge your batteries, Scorpio. Plus, the flow of the full moon will feel your relationship with energy. Prepare a romantic dinner to surprise your partner.

The Universe shows us that your moment for indecision has passed. This week you need to make decisions which you've been preparing for several days. Everything will go well, there's nothing to worry about.

On a professional level, the energies indicate it's time to take a break and to spend hours on other, neglected, aspects.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Good news for Sagittarius! This week you will be able to leave some emotional problems behind. You will also focus on creating a better future with a partner. If you’re single, you will have to be careful with someone you’ve just met.

Certain problems with financial issues could create tension in the family. As for your career, the luckiest natives will be those who work in transport, electronics, and technology in general.

Regarding your health, you can expect a variety of stress-related problems. Some will suffer from a sore throat and others will have muscular problems.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Capricorn, this week will be wonderful and a very important one! Everything will go well but you’ll have to trust the signs of the Universe. On the sentimental level, you are ready to eat the world. If you have a partner, you’ll feel strong enough to prepare something romantic.

As for your professional life, try to be more polite than the rest, you can do it.

Remember to celebrate midsummer's Eve to recharge your batteries. This is the time for you to do it so that everything goes well..

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

This week the key will be to reinvent yourself. Romantic relationships will go through different phases. Some will succeed and others will fail completely. The essential thing is that you try your best to make the most of what you have.

On the work front, it is important that you have a positive outlook. The challenges you will face will drain much of your energy. So much so, that without support you will not be able to succeed.

In terms of health, you will suffer from various complaints this week. Each of you will experience stress in a different way.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

One of your partner's exes will barge into your life putting you on edge. The dates of single Pisces will work so long as you behave honestry and don't try to pretend in order to please.

Both if you work at a company or are self-employed, your greatest competitor will be your past self and you'll seek to break your own records by achieving goals and profit.

With Mars in Leo in your area of health it's the perfect moment to establish new health habits: a new diet, workout routine and picking up a sport.