
9 Inspirational Books You Can't Miss In 2019

These inspirational books focus on self-esteem, time management, and the search for life solutions

Inspirational books: Discover 9 motivational authors you can't miss in 2019. |

Year after year, multiple  inspirational books on personal and spiritual growth are published, and many of them are truly useful. The defining factor, however, is represented by our needs and expectations, on how we understand personal growth.

The main themes that set apart these books are self-esteem, time management, life solutions, letting go of unnecessary burdens, overcoming fears and anxiety, and the search for happiness, among others.

9 inspirational books about personal and spiritual growth 

We have compiled a list of 9 must-read motivational authors that could potentially change your life. 

1. "How to Win Friends and Influence People", Dale Carnegie 

Without a doubt, we are standing before one of the most read personal and spiritual growth books in the world. "How to win friends and influence people" was first published in 1936, and it is still relevant today for anyone who wants to improve their interpersonal skills.

Discover 9 inspirational books that you shouldn't miss this year.


When flipping through its pages you will discover practical tips for a successful existence and Carnegie expresses his belief that most of our victories in life are due to the ability to communicate effectively and not necessarily due to having brilliant ideas. A book that will teach readers how to value others and make them feel appreciated instead of instigating manipulation. This is the ideal choice in case you are new to self-development books. 

2. "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill

We could assert that "Think and Grow Rich" is the bible of success, and one of the best personal development books of all time. Printed in 1937, it is the first book that really examines the behaviors that lead people to success. The book is based on the lives of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and other millionaires of his generation.

3. "Awaken The Giant Within", Anthony Robbins

Anthony (Tony) Robbins is probably the best-known personal development speaker in the world. In order for your dreams to come true, you only need to awaken the incredible power that lays within you. Robbins suggests strategies that will give you the power to control your emotions, your body, your relationships with others, your finances, simply put - your whole life.

Inspirational books - Anthony Robbins is an American author, philanthropist and life coach.


A book that forces us to ask the right questions. You can read other titles by the same author, such as "Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement", " or "The Impossible Just Takes a Little Longer: Living with Purpose and Passion".

4. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", Stephen R. Covey

Stephen Covey shares with his readers the seven habits that allow anyone to become a truly effective person. The author insists that we must go through a shift of perspective -  a fundamental change in the way we perceive the world and ourselves. It is much more than being more efficient. It is about becoming a complete person who not only seeks the best for themselves, but also for others.

5. "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom",  Miguel Ruiz

The Road Less Traveled
Inspirational books you cannot miss in 2019.

One of the best inspirational books on the market, "The Four Agreements" reveals the source of the negative beliefs that deprive us of joy and create unnecessary suffering. Ruiz shows, in very simple terms, how one can be liberated from the collective conditioning based on fear. It is a powerful code of conduct that has the potential to turn our lives into an expression of freedom, true happiness, and love. An essential book of spiritual inspiration, Miguel Ruiz's book should definitely be on everyone's must-read list for 2019. 

6. "The Road Less Traveled", M. Scott Peck

Originally published in 1978, this inspiring book continues to be a reference in terms of personal and spiritual growth. Its author, a renowned psychiatrist, does not sugarcoat reality and makes it clear from the very beginning that life is hard. Through the stories of his patients and his own life experiences, Peck teaches us what no one has ever done before: fundamental life lessons to help us grow, love, be stronger and therefore live a psychologically and spiritually evolved life. 

7. "Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time", Brian Tracy

The Richest Man in Babylon
Inspirational books you cannot miss in 2019.


According to ancient teachings, if you start each day by swallowing a living toad, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that it is probably the worst thing you'll have to do during that whole day. This book on personal and spiritual growth teaches us to put all your effort into organizing your time, even when it comes to the tedious chores you'll probably want to postpone until tomorrow.

8. "The Richest Man in Babylon", George S. Clason

"The richest man in Babylon" will take you on a path to prosperity and success; a book that is proclaimed as the most interesting publication in terms of economy and prosperity, it presents fascinating and informative parables that have become modern classics. Clason's work suggests a financial plan that will set you on the path to wealth.

9. "The Magic of Thinking Big", David J. Schwartz

This self-development book offers a program designed to help us make the most of our work, our marriage, our family life, and the community. It teaches us to think differently and change our habits. The premise of the book is fairly simple: to succeed, just believe.

Check out the original article: 9 libros de crecimiento personal y espiritual que todos deberían leer at