Horoscope Thursday on a sky background with shooting stars

Your Horoscope for April 1: Mars Will Gain Momentum

You can now read your horoscope for Thursday, April 1, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’ve got a special talent at finding a significant other if you’re single. All your emotions are where they should be, and life will surprise you with an unexpected crush. If you’re married, make things easy for your partner so that they shower you with love.

Start out this new term by using your contacts wisely; start up all projects you’ve dreamt about and open doors to a brand-new world of professional adventures.

Choose your sources wisely to get informed on the latest health and wellness trends, because there’s a lot of misinformation out there.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

Your tongue will move too quickly this Thursday, and you might reveal private details which your partner would prefer to keep private. One thing is to not be embarrassed to share your own affairs, and a different one is to expose the details of your relationship. Discretion is essential, Taurus.

They say that it’s nearly as important to know, as it is to have the phone number of the person who knows; in this sense you should expand your professional connections and contacts and pay attention to your more experienced and knowledgeable colleagues.

You’ll be able to say goodbye to those habits that hinder your health.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

If you're in a relationship, this Thursday, you can start a new cycle in which you'll feel that you can count on each other without differences or ego problems. You'll feel that everything is possible.

If until now you had stayed in the place of the one who complains and doesn't take any precautions against the abuses or outrages of other people, Mars will push you to defend yourself in the right measure.

Knees and elbows are the weak points of many natives this Thursday.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Slowly but steadily, you’re reaching new heights in your relationship. You know rushing isn’t a good idea when you’re pursuing certain things, so take the start of the month more calmly (especially if you’re thinking of moving together, or having a baby).

You’ll feel quite protected around work, and today might be the most profitable day in your week, so make sure you live every minute to the fullest.

To hold on throughout the rest of the week, sleep better, because you need to get your energy back.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Your partner will seem hesitant regarding your future and need your optimism and creativity to start feeling more hopeful again. Leos who have recently started dating someone will be surprised by how much they're attracted to this person.

At work, you'll have to focus to finish your tasks on time, so put your cell phone in a locker and avoid long coffee breaks with your colleagues.

Regarding health, if you haven't been following your doctor's instructions to the letter, you'll regret it today as your ailment will get worse.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Those around you might be a bit sensitive but your diplomacy and your positivity will help you find the right words to comfort them. If you’re single, you should take that chance and try to commit at once.

Take advantage of the information you’re about to receive regarding your job. You learn from your mistakes and developing your communicative skills will help you improve.

You’re ready to carry out some changes in order to stay healthier. You will get the support of your loved ones regarding your physical appearance.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Try to balance your life so that your sentimental relationship remains stable. Put aside all your work responsibilities and have a romantic dinner or go on a trip to a special place. If you don't have a partner, you'll get to know new people who will meet your expectations.

If you want to perform well at work, you have to take breaks, and once you finish your working day, switch off and focus on your private life.

Regarding health, avoid binge eating and try to release the negative emotions you're trying to cover.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

The stars push you to see all things as blessings, as a moment of calm has come after the storms and, although Saturn is still influencing your life at home and with your family, you’re likely to be more mature and responsible, and you’ll even enjoy it.

If you’re tired of fighting to solve an important matter, the time has come to let go as how things go no longer depends on your attitude.

It’s a good time to focus on your appearance and improve it.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Don’t rush into any reconciliation with your partner; just wait for the perfect moment to let things happen. If you’re single, a native of Cancer will give you the protection and support you need.

You’ll receive praise and rewards at work but you should avoid someone who looks for confrontation. Someone close will help you so make sure you take their hand when they lend it to you.

If you suffer from allergies, there are natural remedies that can help lessen the symptoms. Don’t let the mistakes from the past ruin your present; instead, learn from them.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

You want to have fun and enjoy your partner’s love without worrying about anything. You will help a friend with a health problem once you stop being selfish. If you’re a native of the second decan, you will live a passionate romance.

You’ll receive some extra money you didn’t count on. If you’re unemployed, you will have very interesting ideas in a moment of calm and relaxation – maybe meditating or even in the shower.

The way the transformations you’re undergoing affect your health will depend entirely on you.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Those who are single, on the other hand, will create new friendships thanks to their natural charm and, thus, through unconventional conversations and plans, will strengthen bonds which will last through time.

At work, today you’ll be able to face some difficulties and clashes. The best thing is to be firm but not overstep, which could jeopardize your position.

When it comes to your health, it will be essential to spend a lot of time fully enjoying the fresh air, such as taking strolls through places close to the water or going for hikes through the woods.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You’ll miss certain friendships and loves that were lost in the past, and which you know wouldn’t be good for you nowadays. But you'll learn valuable lessons from these experiences. Remember not to let memories hold you back.

In your company no one wants to talk about how much they earn and, thus, it’s hard to compare or know if there's a pay gap between men and women. Convince your colleagues to speak up, as this information is essential when negotiating.

Watch where you're going at home, you might have an accident that would leave you with a nasty bruise.