Horoscope Wednesday on a sky background with shooting stars

Horoscope for March 31: The Mental and Spiritual Plane Will Be Active

You can now read your horoscope for Wednesday, March 31, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’ll steal away all attention. You’re a true Casanova, but you shouldn’t let go with circumstances as if the world were to end.

At work, you’ll get an encouraging message from a colleague you appreciate dearly, and they’ll encourage you to keep fighting hard. They’re proving you can count on them, and they’ll appreciate and praise your work when you need it the most.

You should keep your hands hydrated with a nice, good-quality cream (although it doesn’t have to be expensive). You’ll overcome some of your exercise goals.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

On the last day of the first trimester of the year, Taurus will be at peace with themselves, and with those around them. Allowing yourself to be loved isn’t easy, but you're learning.

You’re impulsive at work. You won’t listen to reason and what used to feel normal will irritate you today. Many of your colleagues will ask you why you’re so angry, as they won’t understand the change in your attitude.

The boldest ones will choose a radical makeover, with a different hair colour or a haircut that gives you a more modern and empowered air.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Within your group of friends a person will show a very pronounced interest in you. They look at you with admiration and whenever they can, they will talk to you so that you can perceive what they feel.

Take advantage of the day to take care of your work obligations, otherwise, you'll be surprised by an unforeseen event that could leave you out of the game. Organizational skills will be essential, you can make a list of priorities and try to accomplish it before six o'clock in the evening.

If you're feeling any discomfort it will be very important to rule out any problem. Make an appointment with the doctor

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’re still deeply in love with your partner, and with love itself. You’ll wonder why your feelings were in the back burner if your heart has a great capability to love, and it’s something that makes you really happy.

Tiptoeing around your responsibilities at work won’t bring any rewards.

The pain you feel on your limbs will give you a break today. Finally, you should keep watching your diet, especially when it comes to those products that you seem to be intolerant or allergic to.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Leos who are very shy will enjoy a wave of bravery thanks to Mars that will finally allow them to ask their crush out. Try to be spontaneous and fun. If you've got a large family, you'll be in the middle of their accusations and no matter whether you position yourself or not, someone will get angry with you for not coming to their defense. 

Regarding work, a new horizon of challenges is going to open up before you when you start looking for new businesses related to foreign countries.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Love makes life wonderful so you will try your best to show your partner how much you care. If you’re single, you will try to get that person back into your life even if you’ve been afraid of being hurt.

You’ve been pretty reckless at work these days and you should be more careful – especially if you have to deal with cash. Leave inheritance issues in the hands of a professional and trust the balance of justice.

Art is a fantastic way of channelling your anxiety so choose a project and get creative!

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

You'll feel more receptive and interested in your partner and willing to bond on a deeper level having more sincere conversations. However, you might have strong arguments with friends, which may lead to falling out.

Regarding work, if your intention is to start a new collaboration, invest your money in some projects, or carry out your ideas, you should wait until the rough patch you're going through is over.

Regaining inner balance won't be easy, but little by little, you'll manage to recover and find the creative forces to avoid mental agitation.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

The moon in your sign in a good aspect with Neptune in Pisces favours this sign’s love life, especially those born in the third decan, who will be very emotional and soft-hearted.

You’ll have to strengthen your self-confidence in order to face the challenges at work with the strength of your inner power.

Mars in Gemini will give you the strength you need. The transit of the moon through your sign increases your sensitivity and affects your digestion.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Set your priorities and don’t neglect your personal life in favour of your career. Don’t take your job at home and remember that every little detail matters in your family life. Patience and dialogue will help you get over little conflicts.

Your job isn’t everything so implement new habits that bring more balance into your life. You want to carry out some changes in your health life.

You know what works for you so enjoy the little things in life without neglecting your health. There is a moment for everything.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

You want to be there for your loved ones and are willing to sacrifice certain things to make your spouse happy. You will enjoy a balance between your feelings and personal needs. Whether you’re single or taken, accept that invitation to go out and have fun with friends.

You know what you need in your professional life so you can change your attitude and stop feeling overwhelmed with extra responsibilities.

The Stars will favour your health but you should be careful with sudden movements if you want to avoid little domestic accidents!

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Any romance Aquarius have today will be filled with passion, so much so that their seduction skills will increase, attracting the glances of everyone you encounter.

At work, it’s important for Aquarius to not be afraid to speak up or promote their own ideas. Your bosses will definitely notice and appreciate your hard work.

When it comes to your health, you’re likely to suffer nervous crises which might negatively impact your health. You need to be careful to prevent chronic illnesses.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You’ll have lots of intuition. Your sixth sense is so sharp that, if your partner (or anyone else) tries to get a lie past you, you’ll pick up on it instantly, from the very first gesture.

You’ll be especially harsh towards those you don’t get on well with, if you’re in management. You can’t get on well with everyone but avoid being so obvious about it or the complaints might reach your supervisors.

Your mental and spiritual sides will be very active, due to which you'll tend to daydream, so be especially careful when driving and operating heavy machinery.