Horoscope April on a sky background with shooting stars

Monthly Horoscope for April: Venus Will Be the Protagonist

You can now read your horoscope for April 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’ll enter the fourth month of 2021 comfortably floating away, living out your love life in a nice sense of peace and quiet. You’re highly intelligent and ready to see how to dodge turbulences.

You’re starting out your pursuit for extra money in the best way possible, through smaller side temporary jobs.

Make use of dusk to go out for a run and let out some of your inner anxiety; you’ll be getting in shape and making progress in your beach-body preparation too.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You continue in a beautiful phase in your relationship, and your daily life is almost like a fairy tale. You know that, as it happens in any story, there are some villains trying to undermine your happiness, but your inner magic and power won’t let them defeat you.

At work, you feel somewhat stuck. Your routine feels very uncomfortable, and you need to deploy all of your tools against it and fight as much as you can.

You have a bad posture when you sit at the computer, or when you walk and, for this reason, your back is demanding a massage.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Try to enjoy the differences by sharing the tense moments with joy and calm. Venus in the impetuous sign of Aries brings a force for love that can clean everything out or ignite a dull flame.

Natives of the sign of the twins will have wonderful energy throughout the month of April that gives them strength to move forward in their affairs and achieve many of their professional desires.

Emotional problems could be a source of nervous ailments.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You'll receive a boost to get closer to the person you like. Take advantage of the emerging passion to try to meet people like you if you're single.

At work, there are wolves in sheep's clothing; colleagues willing to stab you and others in your team in order to get a promotion.

Having a few extra kilos or wearing the color of your hair is not a crime. Do as you please, as long as your freedom doesn't interfere with the freedom of the person next to you.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

In the first fortnight, be careful with your words as you won't reflect on them much and could get into trouble. Focus on listening to others instead. From the 14th of April, you'll feel calmer and more stable. Single Leos will be especially romantic and protective and might find love on the 22nd or 23rd.

At work, you'll start valuing yourself more and wonder if the salary you get is good enough.

Regarding health, you might binge on food, so opt for healthier options such as fruit or stevia instead of sugar.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Single Virgo, you’ve learned from your mistakes and now you know that you shouldn’t pretend to be anybody else or invent a character just to make others fall in love with you. If you’re in a relationship, you will embrace your uniqueness too.

Make the most of the career opportunities you’re about to find. Also, be more aware of your carbon footprint. Saving energy will be good for both the environment and your finances.

Always choose the healthy alternative when making plans with friends. When using social networks, connect with people but don’t get stressed about the image you’re projecting to others.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

You'll have to face some disagreements with your partner, but the intense eroticism that will bond you will be enough to keep you together in spite of the difficulties. Single Libras may begin an affair with a Scorpio, which will require a greater commitment than you've ever assumed.

At work, you'll have to make firm decisions, but wait until your fear subsides. You'll start an intense search for your true vocation, which may even turn into an obsession.

Regarding health, you'll be especially sensitive to certain factors that cause allergies. Pay a visit to a specialist.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

The first days of the month will be somewhat dull, with a tendency to look at your love life with melancholy and listlessness. On the 15th of this month, Venus enters Taurus and brings love blessings.

This month will tend to be very demanding at work and in your professional activities. The opposition of Mercury might create a strong tendency towards stubbornness and pointless conversations.

A proclivity to indulgence might cause some health problems for Scorpios, linked to gluttony and the use of harmful substances.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Your fear of losing your freedom shouldn’t stop you from having a relationship. Will you let yourself enjoy a romance? If you’re already taken, remember that talking will help you overcome a crisis in your relationship.

Conflicts in the workplace might make you think about finding a new job. You want to grow and evolve but you’re naturally scared of the unknown.

Eat well and don’t give in to the cravings that have an emotional source. Exercising will help you control your stress levels and will reduce emotional binge eating.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

You can expect a peaceful family life this month when interesting conversations will bring you closer. Peace and beauty will fill your love life this April and the single natives can expect a wonderful romance free from conflict or demands. If you’re taken, you may take a step forward in your relationship.

Life treats you well and you’re in a moment of financial expansion. You have the chance to set up a business or start a new job that will fulfill your creativity.

Your self-esteem will grow and this will be reflected in your appearance.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

The month of April will be rather complex for Aquarius, because they’ll have a marked tendency to fall into excess and to make mistakes. The only thing that will help them will be to act cleverly to avoid confrontations.

On a professional level, Aquarius who are employed will have to be alert and carefully analyse what they truly want before they clash with their supervisors.

When it comes to your health, the current astral influences on your sign could weaken your immune system and cause various ailments which are hard to overcome, so you’ll have to keep a close eye on your body. You will feel very stirred and, as a result, their central nervous system will become upset.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Routine and some other matters will take up all of your time and you'll have no time for your relationship. Those who are single will find an opportunity to start a relationship with someone older and divorced.

You’ll be absorbed by the constant bustle of trips, conversations, chats, emails, meetings and strolls.

To stop this stress from wreaking havoc on your health, you’ll need to organize yourself very well for this first fortnight and stick to your schedule. Gluttony and laziness will be your capital sins. There’ll be many days where you’ll get dragged into temptation and sugar-coated whims full of saturated fats.