Horoscope Weekly on a sky background with clouds

Weekly Horoscope for 29 March - 4 April: The Effects Of The Full Moon Are Still Here

You can now read your horoscope for 29 March - 4 April 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

The stars are aligning to get you going in your pursuit of love. If you’re single, you’ll handle feelings easily and will experience an unexpected crush. It’s time for new projects and adventures, so pick up your phone and make good use of your contact list.

Bring back communication lines with professionals in your field of expertise that have some sort of power (including people you haven’t contacted in a while).

Take up reading again, because sitting down to read a good novel gets your grey matter going, and it allows you to go on wonderful journeys without leaving the house.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You have no problem telling your private business to your close friends; between you there are practically no secrets. However, you tongue might get ahead of you this week, and you might reveal things that your other half considers personal and secret. Try not to anger them by being discreet.

Your efforts end up yielding results and you’ll find someone who can boost your professional projects.

This week you’ll have great willpower, so eliminate any harmful (and expensive) habits, such as smoking.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

The energy of the full moon will positively affect many natives who are single and will have the opportunity to start a dream romance with someone.

The stars bring good news for those entrepreneurial natives who run a business with care and responsibility.

This is a good week for the health of Gemini natives who will have all their energy available to improve their emotional life. It's a good time to start psychological therapy.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’re flying up the stairs of your relationship with might, but also very quickly. Sometimes you think about building the house from the top down, without caring too much about the foundations.

You’re in for some beneficial days at work, and this situation could even render you quizzical because you’re not used to winning. Your inner saboteur usually tells you that you don’t deserve the best.

Your physical shape is good, but you’re finding it hard to rest (perhaps because you don’t sleep enough due to all that TV you watch).

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

You and your partner will be able to strengthen your romantic bond. Doing diverse activities together will make you feel like a great team. If you're still single, break out of self-imposed chains, be more flexible and you'll find some very interesting opportunities.

Regarding your career, an acquaintance will approach you with a very interesting job offer. If you're on holiday, make sure you stick to a fixed budget.

In terms of health, you'll promise yourself to eat healthier now that the beach season is getting closer.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Try not to be impulsive because the people around you will be quite sensitive these days. Relax and offer their support when they need it. You want to be in a peaceful state of mind so avoid arguments and confrontations.

People love you and you should try to look after the contacts you have at work. Be accountable for your actions and learn from your mistakes in order to shape the future you want.

You want quick results when taking care of your body but you need to be patient.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

This week you'll focus on balancing your sentimental relationship and improving the atmosphere at home. Single Libras may meet someone very different who will challenge all or most of their beliefs about love.

At work, you'll make some deals with very influential people, but also face some complications. Try not to get obsessed with your career. Once you get home, devote all your time and energy to your family. 

Regarding health, you might have problems with your respiratory system. You should have a medical check-up to rule out major illnesses or possible viral infections.   

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

If you’re in a committed relationship, you’ll need to look after your partner. Perhaps you’ll have to take their complaints more seriously to avoid becoming disconnected and damaging your bond. It’s about making them feel your support and that you’re actively and honestly listening.

Your material life becomes tricky for many Scorpios this week, who will suffer the difficulties characteristic of Saturn’s quadrature with your sun.

Mars might give you the need to satisfy your physical desires very intensely, with negative consequences on your body and mind.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

The love life of Sagittarius will be positive and passionate. Your relationship with your relatives will flow pleasantly and you will let your loved ones know that you care. If you’re single, your honesty will attract those who match your life philosophy.

You look for balance in your life. Reorganizing your schedule will give you immediate results and you’ll be able to focus more on what really matters.

Feeling strong could make you take your body to the limit but you should be gentle and remember that you’re not indestructible – don’t try to be a superhero.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

The New Moon will make you emotional and a bit confused. The youngest natives will be brave and accept the challenge but those with more life experiences will struggle to accept the situation and to know what they want from love.

Do what you need to find the perfect job for you but don’t stand there doing nothing. Be careful with online purchases because you could be the victim of a scam.

Your hectic lifestyle could make you prone to little domestic accidents this week. Avoid them by being more careful with your movements.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

This week’s horoscope prediction for love speaks of passion, good luck and great commitment. You’ll do everything in your power to avoid conflict, whether in your relationship or in your family.

Your professional life will be marked by duties, the ones you already have and the new ones you’ll take on during the week.

When it comes to your health, this week’s prediction forecasts a potential nervous crisis, as a consequence of the personal and professional stress you’re under. You should look for time to disconnect from your problems outdoors.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You’ll be fearful of external things clouding moments of intimacy in your relationship, you’ll bring out your most romantic side to show your feelings. Those who are single will have an encounter with a very lively person.

At work, you’ll be so sure of your point of view that your sharp language might hurt the feelings of several people around you and create an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Don't let the stress and problems of others become your own, or your week will be filled with black clouds and negativity.