Horoscope Saturday on a background with clouds

Horoscope for March 27: Pay Attention to the Signs of the Astral Locations

You can now read your horoscope for Saturday, March 27, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

If you deem it necessary, hire a couples’ therapist to help you deal with all the issues in your marriage. Don’t try to wear a permanent shield to look unbeatable and lower down your guard if you want happiness.

During a casual event, you’ll see that some of your acquaintances have earned themselves a fortune by investing in stocks. Of course, you’ll feel like having a taste of those riches yourself.

You’re working to get rid once and for all of some of your fears and insecurities; you won’t let darkness take you in.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

This weekend is ideal to organize a family reunion and strengthen bonds that have been weakened. You’ll realize that neither time nor distance have broken the trust you had already built.

For Taurus who are looking for a job, the stars will favour job mobility. You’ll have to play your best cards, making yourself stand out. Although it’s the weekend, you should still knock on new doors, make the most of any opportunity to reach your goals.

The energy of those who have been feeling drained will be restored. But don’t overdo it: always keep a safe margin in any activities you undertake.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

You'll have some news from the family. The Moon in Virgo continues in opposition to your ruler, Mercury, and your intimate life may be affected. The news need not be bad to affect the mood of those with whom you live. You could feel anxious about the energetic manifestation of your surroundings.

You will have a good head for numbers. Business deals that come up this Saturday may yield great results in the future.

Binge eating is bad for your health, Gemini. Gluttony can be a manifestation of anxiety and exaggeration typical of current planetary aspects.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’ve got a head full of birds, and some friends have told you that you deserve something better in love. You’ve started believing that’s precisely your situation.

At work, you’ll see several events unfolding that will make you nervous. You don’t know if you should just look elsewhere and turn around, or if you should tell management.

Do you have an artsy side? Consider taking up a musical instrument, because it’ll help your grey matter get into action, and you’ll channel your stress at the same time.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Melancholy will come knocking on your door again. You aren't one of those Zodiac signs who love rejoicing in their past, but sometimes you let nostalgia and self-criticism creep in. You can't travel back in time, so fantasizing about what would have happened if you'd done or said this or that won't do you any good.

The season of weddings, baptisms, and communions seems to have started. If you can't afford an expensive gift, don't feel ashamed to talk to the organizers and explain your situation; they'll surely understand.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Venus will give you the courage to take action and help the person you like understand the subtle messages you’re sending these days. Married Virgo, talk to your partner and let the love you feel for each other help you find the solution to your problems.

Don’t lie in your CV because the truth will come to light. Instead, work on your non-verbal communication skills and prepare your interview.

Your family and friends care about you so open up to them and you will feel less stressed. You shouldn’t drink alcohol today – give your liver a break.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Open yourself to dialogue as this is the only way to avoid unnecessary conflicts and tensions. Avoid imposing your points of view and learn to heal your wounds or make certain changes in your life without hurting others.

When it comes to your job, you may not be as respected as you deserve. Start by standing up to your colleagues that don't treat you well.

Regarding health, your immune system may have weakened due to your poor diet and stress. You should take a break, start eating healthily, and doing more physical exercise.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Competing can become a negative tendency in your relationship. Forgetting you’re together to mutually cooperate might spark hidden anger and resentment in one of you.

Uranus in Taurus invites you to allow yourself to be surprised by unexpected financial changes in your life.

Sticking to your self-care routine might be difficult this Saturday. Jupiter pushes you to be so overconfident in your willpower that you will allow yourself to slip up.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Don’t try to impress anyone by being someone you’re not. Being confident is what will help you keep the flame lit. Single Sagittarius, the presence of Saturn will help you conquer some hearts today.

The new opportunities you will have at work will give you a break from the stress. Today is a day to dare and begin new projects and learn as much as you can from the process – you’ll feel fulfilled.

Your headache might be caused by insomnia or maybe your worries. Don’t mask the symptoms with tablets: find the source of the problem and fix it.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

The Stars will favour your relationships and your sex life today. The older natives of Capricorn could spend more time with the children in the family and this will bring back many good memories.

Today is a bad day to move money, sign contracts, or move homes. However, it’s the perfect day to imagine your dream life.

Is there any change you would like to do at home? Plan your life instead of taking action. Build an energy shield and don’t let other people’s jealousy affect you.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

If you’re single, your charm will reach everyone. Make the most of this opportunity to seduce, but avoid believing that everything revolves around you, or your ego will become too inflated.

On a professional level, Aquarius will feel some pressure as, those who don’t feel comfortable in their jobs have a golden opportunity to leave that job that makes them so unhappy.

When it comes to the health of Aquarius, they’ll be very aware of some physical discomfort that has recently cropped up. You might struggle to get rid of it.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

A new love will barge into your life to upend it. It will be a somewhat crazy encounter, full of passion, intensity and enthusiasm. Venus is on the side of those who want to win back their ex.

You need to enjoy your job and achievements more. Don’t downplay your victories, you’ve worked very hard to achieve them and must celebrate them in full. Pisces who work from home will be especially clever.

You’ll get carried away by your most basic instincts and you’ll enjoy every second of new experiences.