Horoscope Thursday on a background with clouds

Horoscope for March 25: The Benefits of Jupiter in Aquarius Bear Fruit

You can now read your horoscope for Thursday, March 25, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Melancholy will come for a visit and you’ll just let her slide her way in and get comfortable in your life. Today’s a day lined up along past memories, love stories that will never come back and the torture of the poor choices you’ve made throughout the years.

Your sixth sense is telling you where you should aim your career path, and where you shouldn’t.

Your soul will be dynamic and adventurous. You’ll be hardly tempted to live beyond your budget, and you’ll aim at improving your overall well-being.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

Try to keep people around you who brighten your day and make some room for your sense of humour. You’ll manage to make someone who’s going through a rough patch smile again thanks to your magnetism and spark.

You’re comfortable in your professional situation and, although it could be better, you won’t even complain about your salary.

Having people around you who are struggling with a serious illness will make you be more cautious. You’ll learn to listen to your own body and to not overstep certain boundaries.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Emotions are to be taken into account and this is something you learn as you go through this year in which the North Node stays in Gemini providing so many lessons and maturity to the natives of your sign.

You need freedom to express your creativity without limits and explore all the options of the same subject. Limiting yourself is not your thing; on the contrary, you're a person who loves to find different ways of doing the same thing.

You shouldn't give up your exercise routines no matter how busy your day is. You need to move your joints.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Serenity will be the keyword for Thursday. The stars will make you equally generous and carefree, and you’ll be highly focused on getting what your partner wants done. Their happiness is a reflection of yours.

You’ll know how to use your professional skills, and it’s up to you to sort out that issue others don’t dare to face. Your great patience and mental agility will be outstanding.

You’ll feel tempted to give up on your diet and embrace fast food, but then again you shouldn’t get upset if the scales tell you an ugly truth.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Leos who have been married for some time will look at the pictures which were taken at the beginning of their relationship and start wondering if they're still in love with their spouse or it's simply affection and comfort. However, once your partner gives you a warm smile, your doubts will dissipate.

The Sun in your eighth house will boost your adventurous soul. You'll feel the need to pack your suitcases and travel.

If you can't, resort to video calls with foreign people and read books about the places you want to visit.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Your empathy will help you in your love life. This will help you apologise if you need to and your partner will respond positively. If you’re single, you will play the game of seduction with a very compatible person.

Your results will be better at work if you slow down a bit. You’re becoming more and more independent. It’s a good day to start your own business but be careful before investing money.

The pain in your back or neck is part of the past so now you should focus on fixing your sleeping problems.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

It's an excellent moment to commit to your relationship or to find a serious long-term partner. You could attract a much younger or older lover.

Regarding work, your inner balance and concentration will keep you focused on your goals and plans. It's a good time to start a savings plan, pay off debts or make long-term investments in art, jewelry, or real estate. All your negotiations will be fruitful.

You'll also have opportunities to boost your well-being and broaden your horizons. Health will finally become one of your main priorities.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

If you’re a single Scorpio, don’t miss the chance to prove your innate seductions skills to the person you like. You know how fun flirting with that special person can be.

Everything you’ve learned until now brings a reward. You’ll realize you’re more skilled than you thought at work. You’ll manage to navigate areas that aren’t the most comfortable ones for you.

Today is a perfect day to start looking after your spine. Saturn in Aquarius tenses your joints.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Your charisma will make you attractive to others. This is a great moment to socialize and enjoy a peaceful family environment. If you’re single, you may meet someone new or an old friend will become something else.

You’re an ambitious professional who is able to meet any deadlines. You’re very productive and willing to let others know about your worth and goals. Freelancers will use their creativity to succeed in difficult situations. You are capable of seeing the two sides of any conflict and will help find a solution to different problems.

Keep looking after your body, Sagittarius.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

The atmosphere during the first hours of the day will be very positive and you will be able to get closer to your loved ones – even if you had fallen out. Things don’t always go as you expect but you need to know that you are loved.

A new cycle will bring you closer to your professional objectives. Don’t let the confusion in the environment affect you – just think carefully before making decisions or saying things.

Today you will connect with your feelings and if you don’t let stress affect your mood, you can enjoy a perfectly pleasant day.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Once more, the presence of Venus increases your chances in love and relationships. You should feel a greater desire to express your love and affection for someone special.

On a professional level, the sun in sextile with your sign gives you the energy, enthusiasm and creativity you need to enjoy life, achieve your goals and succeed.

When it comes to your health, we need to highlight that you have greater self-confidence and inner balance. This will help you relax and feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Things might get nasty when an ex or an old flame resurface with the intention of causing a scene and creating problems in your relationship. It's a good day to strengthen the bond with your children.

You’ll feel happy and grateful, and your good mood will cheer up your colleagues, business partners and bosses. You’ll come up with very funny things and you’ll add colour to a day that appeared rather dull.

Do you sleep with underwear, pyjamas and socks on? You shouldn’t, Pisces! All of your skin should be able to breathe freely while you sleep.