Horoscope Monday on a sky background

Horoscope for March 15: The Stars Bring Some Benefits

You can now read your horoscope for Monday, March 15, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Horoscope Monday on a sky background
Read your summary Horoscope for 15th March 2021 | Daily Horoscope

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Passion is at its peak for you, no matter if you’re taken or single. The week will have an intense start for your heart, and you’ll make the most of time like not many people can.

If you have an idea in mind to start up a business, no one can change your mind. This could be a crazy idea or an unfeasible pursuit, but you’re starting the week ready to go all in.

Your health will be on the same track as the last few days, and you might even experience improvement if you’ve had stomachaches.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

Your love life might be subject to instability. For this reason, the Horoscope recommends you don’t do anything that could make things worse, and that you control your bad temper.

Your business partner might ask for more space and, if you give it to them, nothing at all will happen; trust in their judgement and let go of pointless suspicion. Try to avoid all internal conflict, as well as getting involved in union talks as much as possible.

Sleep can be regenerative, start the week by going to bed at a reasonable hour.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Those natives who are single today will be attracted to a person totally different from the one they usually like, they may start a relationship with new and unusual characteristics.

Although the stars show a strong tendency to incline you to leave your affairs unfinished, Saturn can give you energetic support so that you can keep a rhythm that will help you complete the work you have been entrusted with.

Dedicate to your nourishment the time and energy you deserve.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Venus will give you more communicative skills, and a touch of sweetness and innocence. In the same way, you’ll also share lots of affection with your partner (or the person whom you like so much but haven’t opened your feelings to yet).

As far as work colleagues go, there won’t be much chemistry and whatever pending conflict you’ve got will remain there, because no one wants to move on.

You’ll be partially nervous, especially in the first half of the day; that sensation could become positive energy if you change your mindset at the right time.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

You'll feel under pressure to change the way you think and who you really are. Everyone will seem to make you want to leave your aspirations aside and do what they expect you to do. You'll break the chains that tie you down and end relationships that want to clip your wings.

You may have problems regarding wills, documents, or contracts related to finances. Devote some time to go through all your papers to avoid unpleasant surprises.

A natal chart reading will help you to understand your strengths and the points you need to work on.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Single Virgo, the perfect person is about to appear in your life if you’re really waiting for it to come. Don’t waste your time thinking about a perfect cinema-like romance because this is the real life. If you’re already in a relationship, your bond will remain strong.

You feel a bit distanced from your professional life. Not a lot of people know how to empathise with you and understand the problems and challenges of your day-to-day.

Activity and dynamism are the best allies against monotony.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

If you're in a relationship, you can be sure it'll flourish again. And if you're single, you're about to meet someone special. When that happens, don't be afraid to express your emotions.

When it comes to your job, you'll feel sluggish and unmotivated. You could receive some new job opportunities, but your negative energy may prevent you from seeing them. Therefore, pay more attention.

If you let your bad mood take over you, you could ruin your good relationship with your loved ones. Physical exercise will help you regain your motivation.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Your love life will oscillate between arguments and spectacular intimate encounters. This way of interacting might destabilize you and make you doubt you partner’s love. Freedom will be the lesson and single Scorpios who are seeking love could strive to find a new beginning in this area of their lives.

It’s a good day for professional matters. The general situation makes you manifest your power and ability to work hard and without a break.

Your health and wellbeing will be affected by your mood.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Your ability to express your feelings and your sensitivity will make you feel at ease with your loved ones. You value the simple things now. Your positive energy will attract people who think just like you so if you’re single, this is a great opportunity to meet someone!

You always say what you think at work. Some people around you will admire you for this and ask for advice whereas others won’t accept your straightforward comments.

You feel safe and calm around your loved ones.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

You don’t always have the energy and time your family deserves, Capricorn. Open a little bit and show your feelings, they will understand your situation. If you’re single, an issue with your parents or they attitude could make you feel bad today.

Your defensive attitude could cause you arguments in your private life so try to focus on your career today.

Find time for your goals and listen to someone whose comments can help you calm down today. Avoid provocations and listen to your heart.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Aquarius will be very curious today, thanks to the influence of Mercury. Although you won’t have too much physical energy, your mind will be like a sponge, absorbing practically everything you read, hear or watch.

At work, your communication and diplomacy skills will stand out, which could be really useful to close deals.

When it comes to your health, you’ll want to obtain new information regarding a recurring symptom or ailment. For this reason, you’re likely to turn to several sources or consult different specialists. You might be a bit unbalanced, so you might consult specialists.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Your physical appearance will be very important, and you’ll be very careful with your clothes and hairdo today. Looking attractive will make others succumb to your charm without you even trying.

The muses of inspiration will be with you at all times. Take advantage of this to write poetry, science fiction, romantic or erotic literature, paint, dance, sing, sculpt, knit.... Go with the flow of this current of creativity and beauty.

The moon in sextile with Jupiter brings good news in the area of your health. Test or results will come back better than you expected. You might even fully recover from an illness.