Horoscope Wednesday on a sky background with shooting stars

Your Horoscope for July 28: The movement of the Moon is exaggerated

You can now read your horoscope for Wednesday, July 28, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Love is highly present in your life. If you’re single, any excuse will be good to get out the house; meet with friends, they could introduce you to someone interesting. In marriages, you’ll be able to make some nice adjustments.

You’re a true negotiator, and no matter how hard they try, you won’t be tricked. You know your goals and how to get them done. You’ve got amazing talent at budgeting.

Your health is doing great, although you could be a non-conformist. Be sure about what you want to change in your body before getting started on new treatments.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You have great happiness, and your desire to give love to your partner, family and anyone who crosses your path stands out. Those who are single will stand out due to their sixth sense: you'll know where to go to meet interesting people.

At work you might argue with business partners during the decision-making process. You'll see things from completely opposite perspectives and no one will want to give in.

Your health is rather good, and you'll push illness and aches away from you. Consider donating blood, you could save lives through this very small gesture.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

The astral climate predicts a monotonous day in your marriage. However, this won't bother you, but the opposite. You'll be happy to have a calm day with your partner. If you're single, you'll flirt our of boredom.

As a Geminian whose profession is journalism, you'll find very exciting events to communicate. Teamwork won't be your thing, you'll distance yourself from the rest of co-workers. Thus, the work environment will be unnecessarily tense. Foreign investments will generate losses.

You'll tend to isolate in your own world, be careful not to fall in a depressive spiral.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

Open doors to improvisation, because your love life will be filled with minor changes. It won’t be hard to make choices, but try to keep your posture firm and steady. If you’re single, you need to know your soul better before you meet new people.

Your efforts to do things right at work seem to be poor, and that brings great dissatisfaction. You’ll think about whether you’ve got to find a new path, you’ve grown tired of tripping over the same stone.

You’ve got a great ability to recover from physical ailments. Keep in check sun exposure to avoid getting burned.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

You'll enjoy a quiet day when it comes to your heart matters. It'll be a simple day, but you'll be happy to share household chores with your partner. You'll form a good team and enjoy each other's company.

At work, haste could cause you to make a serious typographical mistake that will be disastrous for an important client.

You need to pay close attention to what you're doing. That's why the Horoscope recommends that you avoid drinking coffee, tea or energy drinks. Staying away from narcissistic people will help you maintain your peace of mind.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You need to find more time to spend with your partner. Maybe you will have problems at home because one person is doing more chores than the other. If single, you have the chance to flirt a lot, but maybe you should focus on one single person.

You will be very busy today because you will receive many phone calls that will require your attention. You will have to be patient when answering the phone.

You could experience some stomach-related problems so make sure you eat well (pumpkin, fish, aubergine….etc.) and you exercise enough to prevent this situation.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

Today you'll have to fight for your relationship as a close person will be trying to break it. Don't act aggressively, it's better if you clarify the situation in the most rational way. The singles of the sign could get entangled in a shady romance. Try not to get hurt.

At work, it'll be a tough day. However, difficulties will lead you to consider a change in your career. You'll think about starting your own business.

As for your health, you'll feel fine physically, but you need a break from your own thoughts.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Scorpio, on an emotional level you're very sure of what you want to do. Your partner doesn't complete you, you've started seeing behaviours that you don't like. For this very reason, the best thing is to try and do what makes you happy.

On a professional level you'll receive many job offers. You don't really know which one you prefer. You have to weigh the pros and cons.

Finally, everything is under control when it comes to your health, although your emotional changes are affecting you. Relax and you'll find mental and physical peace.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

Love is very important to you and you want to do something to improve your relationship. You could bring passion back into your relationship, don’t let it fade. If single, someone will disappoint you but you can overcome this and more!

Your financial life won’t be the best today but you need to stay calm. There could be an investing opportunity but ask an expert before doing anything.

Your health is good and you will feel optimist. It will be a very good day to make decisions regarding your well-being.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

If you pay so much attention to your friends’ problems, you will miss out on enjoying what life has to offer you. Imagine the amount of energy and time you will have available when you limit the attention you pay to those difficult people.

It’ll be difficult for you to comply with all the requirements you face to rent a property or to request a loan.

If you are experiencing a moment of disorder in your schedule you can’t expect your body to adapt to so much lack of control.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

You will start the day on the wrong foot, Aquarius. There will be arguments with your partner which will escalate if you don't handle them well. However, the stars predict a reconciliation before the end of the day. Singles are immersed in a very lively social activity. A romantic encounter may arise from this.

As for work, you'll have to adapt to unforeseen changes. It's also certain that you will have to work much harder to keep the same level of income.

On the health front, a skin problem could appear because of a reaction to food.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

You'll ask yourself if you're still in love with your spouse or whether you're together out of habit. Is it habit or is it love? You'll have to meditate on this for a few days until you find an answer. If you're single, you'll experience a night of fleeting passion.

You'll make a rookie mistake at work and your boss will notice it. You won't be told off, but you will be pulled up on it. From now on you shouldn't boast that you do everything right at work.

If you set out to start dozens of new workout and diet routines at once, you'll end up being unable to finish any.