Horoscope Weekly on a sky background with shooting stars

Weekly Horoscope for 31 May - 6 June: Heed The Advice Of The Stars

You can now read your horoscope for 31 May - 6 June 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

Your environment is leading you into finding out more about yourself. You’ll ask yourself some deep questions and boost your instinct-based sensitivity. Some of you will even let your past inner child speak. Your beloved will want to lighten up your week with little things.

Information is power, especially when it comes to certain business areas. At work, you’ll feel like revealing certain privileged information, although you’re better off staying quiet.

You’ve instilled certain positive habits in your everyday life, without even realising it. Subtle but steady efforts have taken you down a fruitful road.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

You’ll start the week with a lot of common sense and an exquisite level of self-awareness, without being selfish. At some points you’ll need to take a step back from your environment and routine in order to channel your deepest feelings, those you don’t tend to say out loud.

The week is favourable to finalize transactions which have been dragging for too long. Your analytical thinking will help you discover what was holding it back. Your attitude is focused on the right goals.

Choose a relaxed and fun lifestyle, leave intensity for other, better, weeks. Don’t overexert yourself and listen to the signs your body is sending you.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

The stars increase the likelihood of reliving the honeymoon phase for long-term and stable relationships. If you are single, you should make some room for romance, Gemini. 

It's going to be a hectic week at work. A female colleague could help you showcase your professional skills. Have a suitcase packed because you might be invited to a work trip.

It's vital that you make changes in your life for the better, such as avoiding conflictive people and leaving behind external problems once you get home.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’ve got enough energy to fight for your love story, no matter how sticky the situation seems right now. You’re not ignoring your heart’s desires, and fear has no room in your world.

At work, you’ll experience a complex moment or two, but don’t give up just yet. For you, surrender isn’t an option. You want to test yourself because you know you can do anything.

Some of you will go back to a sport you gave up years ago, perhaps because you thought you weren’t good enough. You’ll be more competitive and bold.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

Your desire to eat the world will be very powerful, but you have to be careful because you may end up hurting others' feelings. Rescue your kind side and combine it with your motivational energies, as this will be the only way to have a stable week.

Communication will be tricky and you may also find it difficult to be on time for all your appointments and keep your word. Patience and flexibility will be your best assets to get through this chaotic week.

Try to regulate your motivation so it doesn't cause you anxiety. 

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

Make an effort and make love the protagonist of your life again! Your creativity will help you bring fresh air into your marriage and if you’re single, you will have an active social life. You know what type of person you want by your side so go for it!

You will be very good at spotting good offers from scams and if you’re a team leader, your team will respond well to your directions.

Anyway, remember that you’re not an action hero and you should listen to the limitations of your body – don’t get exhausted, Virgo.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

If you have a partner, your relationship will evolve positively. You'll spice up your life as a couple and enjoy your partner's love and affection. Single Libras will express their feelings more openly, which will help them start a passionate love story.

On the other hand, excess work will make you feel stressed. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed.

Strengthen your immune system with proper nutrition and try to disconnect from your problems as soon as you get home. It's a perfect time to put into practice relaxation techniques to help you calm down.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

For those who want to have children, then their dream is very likely to come true. Your fertility increases and you contact with children will be great this week.

If you’re looking for a new job, don’t hesitate to broaden your horizons, both physical and mental. There are many territories to explore in order to discover a better professional outlook.

This is the stars’ advice for you, Scorpio: under no circumstances should you abandon your healthy routines. Make room in your day to tackle those small gestures of self-care. You won’t regret it.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

The week begins with very positive predictions for your love life, Sagittarius. Although some secrets will surface and you will have to deal with the consequences, there will be a very good understanding between the two members of a relationship.

The Stars predict business trips or some kind of movement. Those who are looking for a job will have an interview that will leave them hopeful.

Your mood won’t be the best and your priority should be dealing with your emotional world and your feelings. Frustration will only make you feel bad so clear your mind and make yourself feel better.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Capricorns who are in a relationship might have been going through some difficulties lately. The Stars will help you express your feelings and maybe you will choose to see a therapist who can help you and your partner understand each other better.

Good news for those natives who are looking for a job: you will receive news from a company that wants to hire you. You want to change your appearance, Capricorn.

Maybe stress and the passing of time have emphasized certain features you don’t like. Don’t hesitate and visit a beautician. It’s very easy to feel better with your appearance!

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

The prediction for this week, Aquarius, reveals that the first few days, secrets will be revealed, or things will come to light. These things will put your relationship to the test. It could be related to adventures outside the relationship.

Professionally, you will probably have the perfect opportunity to make an important change, that will help you improve your income, so don’t think too much and do it.

In health, although on the one hand, you will feel very full of energy, soon there will be discomfort that will turn you off.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Mercury retrograde affects your area of family, home and the father, so these areas are where you’ll have the biggest misunderstandings. Venus enters Cancer, so take this energy to transmit love and affection to others through gestures.

At work, you’ll feel a lot more comfortable speaking of abstract concepts rather than simpler and more practical ideas. With the opposition between Mars and Pluto, and your attitude might become too reckless when taking risks at work.

On a physical level, your astral area of health will be clear, due to which, if you stick to your self-care routines and medical advice, everything will go swimmingly.
