Meditation is a relaxation technique that includes the use of powerful purifying mantras, which tend to originate in Tibetan Buddhism. The Om symbol (Aum) is one of the most famous and used symbols in this type of meditation.
In the following article, we will have a look at what mantras are, how to use them to meditate and six examples of powerful Buddhist mantras, Tibetan mantras, and your very own.
What are mantras?
Meditation can be done in different ways and mantras are an effective tool to use for this kind of relaxation technique.
More specifically, Mantras are Sanskrit words, syllables or phonemes that evoke certain sounds.
According to Tibetan and Buddhist beliefs, these sacred utterances have powerful spiritual qualities. They are believed to have a deep psychological impact when they're being repeated.
The word mantra translates as 'mind instrument' and in Tibetan Buddhism, each utterance references a stage of enlightenment and is repeated in order to identify with each stage.
Lastly, psychology classifies these sounds as figures of speech that reference repetition of a thought with the intention of embedding it into our subconscious minds.
How to use mantras
Using powerful mantras on a regular basis will enable us in the future to connect to our inner self, improve our emotions and thoughts, as well as reduce stress and fatigue.
There are many words, syllables, and phrases we can use to meditate. The way each utterance is used depends on the intention of the meditation, on the feelings and the thoughts that we have in that given moment.
It's important to remember that we're all capable of creating our own mantras, to use even when we're not meditating, simply to feel more confident and relaxed. The more we get used to using the mantra and associating it with relaxation, the more we'll be able to use this tool in all aspects of our lives.
What is meditation?
Meditation is a practice associated with many different cultures and religions and it encompasses various techniques which target relaxation, compassion, love, and forgiveness. Meditation also has the quality of increasing the vibration of your inner energy flow, also known as Qi, ki, or chi.
The main objective of meditation is to train the mind into certain patterns so that you can eventually control your subconscious. A secondary effect would be to induce specific situations such as:
- Reducing pain
- Overcoming depression
- Controlling anxiety
- Getting rid of emotional stress
- Channeling our thoughts
One of the fascinating things about meditation is that you can reach such an elevated state of concentration that your attention is free to focus whatever it chooses irrespective of the present moment.
When the process of focusing is based on the constant repetition of a sound or phrase, we are in fact looking at meditation mantras; and the most common Buddhist symbol used is Om, which is pronounced as 'oum'.
Buddhism and meditation mantras
Meditation is a very common practice in Buddhism. There are, however, many different schools, each with their own specific technique. According to Zen, a school of Mahayana Buddhism, meditating is a natural condition of our subconscious mind which we can use to fully grasp the significance of our existence. Therefore, visualization, prayers, and songs are key elements of this technique.
Health benefits
Meditation mantras have been proven to have beneficial effects on the physical, and above everything, the mental health of those practicing daily.
A few of the main benefits include improved memory and concentration, regulated blood pressure, better stress management, and an overall healthier immune system.
Moreover, clinical studies have shown significant differences between the nervous system of people who meditated regularly and of those who did not.
6 powerful meditation mantras
Once we're familiar with the basic meditation mantras, we can start incorporating this technique in our daily life and enjoy its powerful, healing properties. In the following section, we will go over the most commonly used utterances, and hopefully, it will provide useful information for any meditation beginner.
Although they can be repeated in different ways, the most prevalent method is to do it outloud or whispered. The best option would be to say the phrase or word outloud and thus benefit from the relaxing vibration of our own voice, as well as from a hightened sense of focus.
1. The Om symbol (Aum)
The Om mantra is considered to be the original sound of the Universe, bearer of positive energies and the most famous one. It's pronounced "oum" and it has its origins in Tibet. The pronunciation of this sound, as well as its vibration, are charged with potent energy and it can be recited at any given moment. feel free to repet it as many times as you feel necessary, alternating it with deep breathing.
2. Om Mani Padme Hum
According to Buddhism, this famous utterance is not necessarily based on understanding its definition but on the vibration of the phonemes and their effect. Repeating this mantra invokes Buddha's compassion and a union with the Universe; it suggests purging, purification, wisdom, and kindness.
3. Om Tare Tuttare
This particular mantra allows us to bring forward our inner strengthto overcome obstacles and negativity, and endows us with faith in the face of adversity. Generally speaking, it is believed that this mantra channels our courage in the moments when we need it most; i.e. when we're experiencing fear or anxiety. It is also beneficial in promoting creativity and finding alternative solutions to our problems.
4. Om Namah Shivaya
A Hindu mantra used to invoke the Shiva god and our own happiness in order to tap into our spirituality and ultimately benefit our personal growth. "Om" refers to the power of the Universe, the term "Namah" represents a salutation, and the word "Shivaya" means Lord Shiva.
5. So Hum
This mantra signifies "I am that", (so = "I am" and hum = "that" ) and it references our true inner self and all of creation. It expresses the mind-body balance that all humans need in order to access absolute consciousness. It's also known as 'the breathing mantra' because as you inhale you say "so" to yourself, and as you exhale, say "hum".
6. Your own mantra
This is a very interesting exercise especially to boost your self-esteem and purification. You simply need to focus on deep breathing while repeating a phrase that you dedicate to yourself, such as "I am able, I am worthy". The important part is to be aware of our breathing and progressively improve it with each meditation session.
Relaxing music to accompany the mantra
It has been scientifically proven that simply listening to relaxing music could benefit our health. If we complement it with meditation and mantra repetition then all the better for both our body and mind.
The general consensus is that everything that promotes a calming environment, reduces anxiety, emotional stress, and negative thoughts is worth pursuing daily.
We recommend that you create your own playlist and complement your spiritual sessions with relaxing music.
There are also songs available which include these mantras which could facilitate a guided meditation.
Irrespective of the mantra itself, it has been established that relaxing music can create a calming, neutral environment and ease our passage into the world of meditation.
You can find below a video of Tibetan relaxing music that will help you meditate and complement your mantras.