People who experience dry skin on face struggle with problems like flaky skin and even fissures or wounds, especially during the winter months. Besides being uncomfortable, these wounds make your skin look uncared for and unsightly. So, because of this, in this article, we are going to explain the leading causes of dry skin as well as how factors like genetics and environment have an impact on this phenomenon.
We'll also give you 7 natural remedies to nourish and hydrate your skin without spending tons of money, using ingredients that are just as effective or even more effective than those used in traditional chemical cosmetics.
Dry skin on face: causes
So many people struggle with dry skin on their face, and this is true for both men and women. Of course, not all of the skin on the body has the same characteristics, which is what makes the skin on your face more vulnerable to dryness than other areas of the body, or vice-versa.
But, what causes dry skin? In most cases, this is due to a variety of factors, both genetic and environmental. Evidently cold weather or living in areas with extreme climates can lead to dry skin, and as a consequence, bothersome symptoms like cracks, irritation, or flaky skin on your face show up.
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Genetic factors
Genetic factors are among the leading causes of dry or ashy skin. This means that some people are naturally predisposed dry, flaky skin. This happens because the skin doesn't have the same sebaceous secretion capacity, which is a type of fat that protects the skin from external agents. Sometimes the onset of dry skin is caused by organic diseases.
This is why this issue is often associated with problems like psoriasis and hypothyroidism. In the case of hypothyroidism, dry skin is caused by a deficit in the secretion of hormones that affect the body's ability to stay hydrated and produce a hydrolipidic substance that helps to keep water inside of the body and to protect the skin.
Environmental causes
Environmental factors stand out among the main reasons for dry skin in areas with cold climates. In the regions where it's frigid, the environment is also less humid, which has a direct impact on the state of your skin. This is why in countries far from the sea, it's more common to find people with dry, flaky skin, even when their skin tends to be greasy.
Another factor that has a direct impact on skin dryness is how often it's exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays without protection. The sun's rays cause the skin to age more quickly, and at the same time, this is related to moisture loss and difficulty balancing the skin's state.
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Showering too frequently is another factor which contributes to dry skin on face and other parts of the body since the body wash or soap that we use often contains alcohol or acidic pH levels which damages the skin, causing it to dry out more easily. On the other hand, hot water has a paradoxical dehydrating effect on the body's largest organ.
The 7 best natural remedies for dry skin on face
So, if you're tired of trying to find the best moisturizer for dry skin and your skin is still dry and dull looking, don't miss out on these 7 homemade natural remedies to moisturize your skin and help to get rid of problems like dryness.
1. Extra virgin olive oil
Olive oil, a popular part of the Mediterranean diet, has many benefits for the body, both inside and out. To be more specific, this oil nourishes and hydrates the skin which leads to fewer spots, reduced smile lines, and more supple skin. Olive oil can be applied directly to the skin or as a cream, as we'll explain later on.
2. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a plant with almost miraculous properties for the body. It helps to heal and hydrate the skin on your face and other areas of the body. Besides, it helps to fight eczema caused by cold weather and the irritation that gives your skin an unkempt appearance.
How to make an aloe vera face mask with coconut oil
With this homemade moisturizer, you'll be able to save yourself from paying for pricey cosmetic creams and make your own. You just need two ingredients: An aloe vera leaf and a half a cup of coconut oil.
Mix the two ingredients until you get a homogenous paste and apply it just as you would with any other moisturizing cream for dry skin relief (you don't have to rinse it off). You can store this product for up to two weeks in the refrigerator.
3. Avocado and almond oil mask
An avocado and almond oil mask is another moisturizer for dry skin on your face that you can prepare right at home. To make it, you just need a half an avocado and two tablespoons of almond oil.
To do this, you need to smash the avocado and mix it with oil until you achieve a homogenous paste, apply it to your face and let it act for about 30 minutes. After, rinse it off with water and soap, and say goodbye to dry skin.

4. White clay mask for dry skin on face
White clay has anti-inflammatory properties and works to calm and cleanse the skin; therefore, it helps to get rid of irritation and the bacteria that can contribute to the appearance of acne and blackheads.
With white clay powder, you can make masks to renew your skin and leave your face soft and moisturized. To do this, mix the white clay powder with water and apply it to your face, taking it off after 20 minutes.
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5. Rosehip
Rosehip oil is often used to help with healing skin tissue, both in cases of operations or injuries, as well as to fight scarring, caused by acne. One way to use rosehip in your daily routine is by mixing it with your everyday moisturizer. This way, you can benefit from all of its properties without any extra effort.
6. Beeswax and olive oil moisturizer
Beeswax is a natural composition often used in natural cosmetics since besides it nourishes and renews, and besides it adds texture and consistency to creams without adding any kind of artificial or chemical substance.
How to make beeswax moisturizer
To make this cream homemade, you'll need 5 tablespoons of beeswax and 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. First you should heat up the beeswax using the bain-marie method until they melt; then add the olive oild and mix. Take it off of the heat and in a matter of minutes; it will solidify. Now you can apply it as a hydrating night cream.
7. Drink water and stay hydrated to stop dry skin
Finally, as a last important point, you shouldn't forget how important it is to stay hydrated for your health and if you want to show the world your gorgeous skin. It's recommended to drink at least a liter and a half of water a day, both to assure your body's basic functions and to keep your skin moisturized. Using a million different cosmetic creams is worthless if you don't attack the problem at its base: a dehydrated body.
Check out the original article: 7 remedios caseros para combatir la piel seca at