Aside from helping plants with the photosynthesis process, chlorophyll is renowned for its variety of health benefits and introducing more of this "magical" green into our diets is synonymous with living a healthier life.
Many of the pieces of evidence needed to support these claims, are, however, inconclusive and need more research. Nevertheless, we will explore the definition of chlorophyll, its uses, and possible health benefits.
What is chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is a pigment that gives plants their green color. Chlorophyll plays a vital role in photosynthesis as plants use chlorophyll along with sunlight to get most of their nutrients.
There are two types of chlorophyll - a and b. Both absorb more light from blue-violet wavelengths and reflect green light which gives chlorophyll its green appearance.
Although at first sight, it may appear like chlorophyll is exclusive to the vegetal world, this pigment contains vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients that could have positive effects on our health as well.
One of the primary ways of including chlorophyll in the diet is by eating green vegetables, such as alfalfa and spinach. Another way to increase the amount consumed is via supplements, which may be more effective, as chlorophyll doesn't survive digestion long enough for absorption.
Chlorophyll supplements come in the form of drops, pills, or capsules and the majority of them contain chlorophyllin, a water-soluble salt that is a semi-synthetic derivative of chlorophyll which our bodies absorb better than actual chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll uses and benefits
Throughout decades, humans have used chlorophyll as a natural remedy or health supplement. Many scientific studies suggest health benefits related to fighting cancer, improving skin conditions, eliminating body odor, and helping with weight loss, among others.
Nevertheless, the results are quite varied which means we must exercise caution at the time of trusting the benefits of chlorophyll.
The green pigment is relatively safe for most people; however, it can interfere with other prescription pills and existing ailments, which is why we recommend you consult your doctor before you decide to take chlorophyll.
1. Deodorant properties
Scientists have spent many years researching the potential health benefits of chlorophyll, and although many of them yielded contradictory results, the consensus is that chlorophyll can improve the smell of body odor.
Currently, we can find many deodorant products available on the market, as well as mouth wash that contains chlorophyll and many people take this pigment in pill form to help reduce bad smells.
2. Anti-aging remedy
According to research, chlorophyll functions as an anti-aging remedy when applied topically.
Chlorophyll gels can reduce the effects of the sun on the skin; it also removes toxins and cleanses the blood. Chlorophyll neutralizes pimples, fades redness, and reduces discoloration caused by other skin issues.
3. Acne treatment
Topic chlorophyll is also used as an effective remedy for acne and visible pores.
This is due to the pigment's abilities to reduce inflammation and bacterias, two of the symptoms associated with mild and severe acne.
4. Scars and heals wounds
The same anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are the ones that help heal superficial wounds and prevent infections.
There are ointments, cremes, and gels that contain chlorophyll and have resulted very effective in reducing pain caused by skin lesions and decreasing scaring time.
5. Improves blood quality
Chlorophyll is chemically similar to hemoglobin, an essential protein found in red cells which transports oxygen all over our bodies.
Some researchers claim that liquid chlorophyll improves the quality of red cells, and thus improves the quality of our blood.
Although this theory hasn't been fully verified, the effects of chlorophyll on the blood could prove useful in treatments for hemoglobin deficiency diseases such as anemia and thalassemia.
6. Helps with weight loss
One of the most popular properties of this green pigment, mainly found in liquid chlorophyll, is the fact that it helps with weight loss.
The exact mechanism of the weight loss process is not fully known at this time, but a study revealed that people who took chlorophyll supplements daily experienced a more significant weight loss than the control group that hadn't taken the supplements.
How to get more chlorophyll in your diet?
A simple and natural approach to including more chlorophyll in our diets is to eat more fruit and vegetables rich in this pigment.
Some of the most chlorophyll-filled foods that we can add to our daily diets are:
- wheatgrass
- spinach
- kale
- mustard leaves
- spirulina
- parsley
- asparagus
- green cabbage
- Matcha tea
- green beans
- peas
On the other hand, there are also chlorophyll supplements available on the market, and they all vary in terms of the quantity of pigment contained. Some of the supplements come in liquid form, and they can be added to drinks while others are in pill form.
Generally speaking, chlorophyll supplements are safe for consumption and don't appear to have any severe side effects. People suffering from pre-existing conditions and pregnant women should, however, consult their physician before deciding to take chlorophyll supplements.
Check out the original article: Clorofila: qué es, para qué sirve y posibles beneficios at viviendolasalud.com
Bowers, W. F. (1947). Chlorophyll in wound healing and suppurative disease. The American Journal of Surgery, 73(1), 37–50.
Chauhan, M. (2014). A pilot study on wheatgrass juice for its phytochemical, nutritional and therapeutic potential on chronic diseases. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2(4), 27–34.
Inanç, A. L. (2011). Chlorophyll: Structural properties, health benefits and its occurrence in virgin olive oils. Academic Food Journal, 9(2), 26-32.
Woodward, R. B., Ayer, W. A., Beaton, J. M., Bickelhaupt, F., Bonnett, R., Buchschacher, P., Closs, G. L., Dutler, H. & Hannah, J. (1960). The total synthesis of chlorophyll. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 82(14): 3800–3802.