Passion fruit is the perfect food because it has very few calories and it provides the organism with a high nutritional content obtaining antioxidant, anticancer and relaxing properties, among others.
In this article, we will find out about the main characteristics of passion fruit (maracuya), as well as the main benefits and properties of this exotic fruit that comes from the Passiflora (passion flower) plant.
What is passion fruit?
Passion fruit is the fruit of the Passiflora edulis, a climbing plant of the Passiflora genus that can be up to 9 m long and it originated in the warm areas of South America. Its flower, known as passion flower, represents a national symbol in Paraguay.
The specific origin of this fruit is in Brazil, known by the natives as "something you take in a sip." Its cultivation has been extended around the world, and its consumption has become more and more popular.
The plant is dark green, and its flowers are beautiful, they are white with pink or red touches, and they are appreciated by its ornamental value. The fruit is a kind of shiny green berry, but when it ripens, it turns into a dark purple color with white, orange, and yellow spots.
Its flavor is sweet and sour, exotic, and similar to the apricot's flavor. When it is ripe, passionfruit can be kept in the fridge for about a week. The main varieties are purple, yellow, and sweet granadilla.
Why is it called passionfruit?
Unequivocally, it does not refer to an aphrodisiac food but it is determined because the passion flower presents the symbols of The Passion of Christ.
The 5 petals and 5 sepals represent 10 apostles, the 5 stamens would be the 5 stigmas, and the 3 pistils are the nails from Jesus' cross. The filaments would also be the crown of thorns he wore.

Properties and benefits of maracuya
Passionfruit is a fruit with a high percentage of water in its composition and very rich in vitamin C, provitamin A or beta-carotene - essential for good skin, eye, and immune system care, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
In general, it is a fruit that is recommended for taking care of your line because it has a very low calorie content and a high fibre and water content.
1. It favors weight loss
Its digestive properties and its low calorie content makes the consumption of this fruit provide just 70 calories per 100 g of passion fruit. This fruit helps to assimilate the nutrients better. Its high fiber content provides our body with a depurative action and relieves constipation. It also has a satiating effect and its antioxidant actions which exert a calming influence on the organism.
2. Relaxing and sedative properties
Passion fruit improves general sleep and helps people get to sleep due to hypnotic and anxiolytic effects. The flavonoids it contains exert a sedative action on the nervous system, and it relaxes the organism.
3. It is rich in vitamins and minerals
Maracuya is one of the most nutritious fruits there is, and it is a food rich in minerals and vitamins, such as flavonoids, vitamins A, C, and B, iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and potassium that, for example, exert a powerful anti-wrinkle action and also moisturizes the skin.

4. It improves cardiovascular health
Passion fruit helps eliminate the excess of cholesterol from blood vessels, and it also presents vasodilator benefits, reducing hypertension and improving cardiovascular health. Iron, potassium, and antioxidant properties make the organism circulation also improve because it eases the blood oxygenation.
5. It favors musculoskeletal health
The generous amount of vitamins and minerals contained in this fruit promotes musculoskeletal health and increases bone density and strength. Eating this fruit regularly can help prevent osteoporosis and inflammatory joint diseases thanks to its soothing and anti-inflammatory actions.
6. It has digestive actions
The high water and fiber content in the passion fruit makes digestion easier and has a natural laxative effect. As mentioned before, it relieves constipation and prevents colon and rectal cancer.
De Pabón, L. M. C., Turbay, S., Rojano, B., Álvarez, L. M., Restrepo, S. L., Álvarez, J. M., Restrepo, S.L., Álvarez, J.M., Bonilla, K.C., Ochoa, C., & Sánchez, N. (2011). Some Passiflora species and their antioxidant capacity. Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales, 16(4): 354-363.