Nowadays, when we go to the supermarket or a fruit shop, we find any kind of fruit and vegetable, no matter what season it is. Now that there are greenhouses, we do not need to look which product is in season and we can enjoy any o them throughout the year.
However, the quality of the fruit and vegetable off season is not the same. If we want to enjoy these products with more nutrients, a better taste and a better price we should buy them in season.
In this article, you are going to find a list of seasonal fruits and vegetables divided into seasons and months.
Fruits and vegetables in season by month
Vegetables and fruit are essential products for a healthy and balanced diet. We are now used to be able to eat any fruit or vegetable all year, no matter what the season is. However, it is advisable to have them when they are in season.
We have to keep in mind that there are some seasonal fruits that we can consume all year round. For instance, the banana is a fruit that can be found in any season. Coconut, pineapple, passion fruit, lime, and papaya are also all year fruits, although they are imported.
Some vegetables are also available all year. For example, we can have lettuce and beetroot any month of the year. Now read this list of fruits and vegetables by seasons and months.
Winter vegetables and fruits
In the cold, root products and green leaves of vegetables abound. Citrus fruits are in full swing, and we can still enjoy the last batch of autumn season products.
1. January
January is a good month for roots and green leaves to start growing. We can enjoy some citrus fruits, which are in their best moment. We can still find some fruits and vegetables that have ripened during the fall.
The winter fruits that we will be able to have in January are kiwi, lemon, apple, orange, mandarin, pineapple, pear, banana, and grapefruit.
We can find a great variety of winter seasonal vegetables. In January people usually eat chard, artichokes, eggplants, cauliflower, cabbage, red cabbage, zucchini, spinach, peas, lettuce, pepper, leek, and carrot.
2. February
There are also many vegetables and fruit in February. Besides still having the ones from January, we can also start buying strawberries, which are characteristic of the winter season.
As for winter vegetables, we can find some from the previous month like chard, artichokes, eggplants, zucchini, lettuce, red cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, pepper, and leek; and some new ones such as celery, broccoli, endive, escarole, beans, beet, and radish.
3. March
It is the last month in which we can find winter fruits and vegetables. Many of these products begin to awaken from their resting period. In March, winter and spring season fruits and vegetables coexist.
Apples are out of season but avocados and medlars are included in the list. We will be able to continue enjoying the rest of the fruits of the month of February. The seasonal vegetables that are new in March are asparagus.

Spring vegetables and fruits
In April we say goodbye to winter products and we start seeingspring vegetables and fruits in the supermarkets.
4. April
Spring starts and we can find the new season products. Winter seasonal fruits and vegetables start disappearing and we welcome the juicy spring fruits.
In April we will be able to consume them in season such as strawberries, lemons, medlar, oranges, bananas, and grapefruit. We will also eat spring vegetables such as chard, artichoke, celery, endive, asparagus, spinach, peas, lettuce, and carrot.
5. May
May brings us interesting new products such as apricots and cherries. We will also enjoy some strawberries and we say bye to the last avocados. There are not any significative change regarding vegetables and we can still find chard, artichokes, endives, asparagus, peas, and beans.
6. June
Here is another month full of juicy products and the countdown to the start of the summer season products begins. The fruits of this season begin to develop more and become tastier.
The fruits of June are apricots, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, plums, strawberries, bananas, nectarines, and watermelons.
Vegetables include garlic, zucchini, lettuce, new potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, beets, peppers, and carrots.
Summer vegetables and fruits
The fruits and vegetables of the summer season arrive. It is a time when vegetables grow and can be enjoyed in salads. In addition, in the trees and shrubs the berries sprout.
7. July
Heat is here to stay so here come the summer seasonal fruits and vegetables. In July, we can find apricots, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, melons, blackberries, nectarines, pears, and watermelons.
The vegetables in summer season are tomato, chard, garlic, eggplant, zucchini, bean, lettuce, potato, cucumber, pepper, and beet.
8. August
In August we say goodbye to the spring season fruits; goodbye apricots but welcome grapes and figs! We will still be able to enjoy raspberries, peaches, melons, blackberries, nectarines, pears, and watermelons. As far as vegetables are concerned, there is not much new except for the arrival of the onion and the first mushrooms begin to appear.
9. September
September marks the end of summer and welcomes autumn. Seasonal fruits include raspberries, pomegranate, fig, apple, peach, melon, blackberry, grape, and pear.
Seasonal vegetables in September include eggplant, pumpkin, lettuce, onion, chard, endive, corn, leek, carrot, and cucumber.

Fall vegetables and fruits
What's in season in fall? In autumn a new cycle of fruits and vegetables begins, so there are novelties.
10. October
In October many plants and vegetables begin their resting cycle. The sun decreases and a type of fruit ripens which marks the new change of cycle.
The fruits in the autumn season are kiwi, apple, pomegranate, grape, pear, and banana. Autumn vegetables include sweet potato, chard, broccoli, pumpkin, onion, cabbage, endive, spinach, lettuce, leek, radish, beetroot, and carrot.
11. November
In November, the leaves fall and the energy is concentrated in the roots. The traditional fruits and vegetables of the autumn season arrive. Now we can enjoy fall fruits such as avocado, kiwi, lime, lemon, mandarin, and orange.
There is a great vegetable variety and we can find fall vegetables such as cardoon, chard, sweet potato, broccoli, mushroom, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, leek, lettuce, and beet.
12. December
In December we still find fruits from the autumn season, but as the month progresses we will find less and less. We can eat avocado, persimmon, kiwi, lemon, orange, and grapefruit. As far as vegetables are concerned, we will still be able to enjoy the vegetables of the month of November.

- This article about "Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables" was originally published in Spanish in Onda Salud