Horoscope Saturday on a sky background with shooting stars

Your Horoscope for April 3: The Moon In Capricorn

You can now read your horoscope for Saturday, April 3, 2021. The complete prediction on health, money and love according to your zodiac sign


MONTHLY HOROSCOPE: Don't miss out on your prediction for April 2021

Aries Logo


(21 March - 19 April)

You’ll be riding an emotional roller coaster with harsh uphill battles and long, fun slopes. You’re learning to see life from every perspectives, because you already know not everything is black-or-white, sweet-or sour.

You keep wondering about your professional future, because TV has some saddening news, and it’s only obvious that you’ll get upset at some point.

Your Achilles’ heel is your throat; it could be severely impacted if your voice is your main tool. Try to talk as little as you can, and avoid cold drinks.

Taurus Logo


(20 April - 20 May)

Your head is a mess, and you don’t know what you want to do in your relationship. On the one hand, there’s what reason dictates and, on the other, what you're really feeling. Plus, you don’t want your partner to be disappointed in you.

At work, you feel the atmosphere is weird and it could intoxicate you. You’ll witness some conflicts that you’ll be roped into to take sides, although the stars always recommend being impartial and letting each person sort out their own problems however they can.

You’re moving to gain some muscle mass and seeing the first results.

Gemini Logo


(21 May - 20 June)

Meetings with family and friends will bring a wonderful surprise. Enjoy sharing a good conversation in which you feel comfortable. If you can help those in need you'll be rewarded by the laws of karma.

You know well that all that glitters is not gold and the time has come to give value to feelings.

Meditation, yoga practice or other oriental disciplines will help in the search for harmony and health.

Cancer Logo


(21 June - 22 July)

You’re defeating the fear of loneliness, and you know it’s okay if you’re on your own for a while. You’ll reflect deeply if you’ve gotten a divorce, and you’ll feel like you did the best you could.

You’ll get a fresh work proposal with which you’ll manage to unfold your full potential, but following a series of strict rules.

Health is becoming an exaggerated obsession for you, perhaps because TV keeps pulling out news on the worldwide health crisis we’re going through.

Leo Logo


(23 July - 23 August)

It'll be an introspective day, which will help you sort out your feelings. Some will find out that they've settled for a comfortable relationship and others that they're more in love than they thought. You'll also become aware of toxic family members and friendships and be able to get rid of them.

If you don't have to work today, turn off your mobile and computer and go out to enjoy nature.

You'll find it hard to get up in the morning, but by midday, you'll be able to regain your energy.

Virgo Logo


(24 August - 22 September)

You’ve enjoyed the experiments you’ve tried in your love life. You shouldn’t limit yourself to the things you already know – novelty is good! If you’re single, don’t give up because you’re about to find someone in your life.

If you have the day off, why don’t you try to help those in need? You remember when someone helped you in the past so you could give the favour back by helping someone else. Meet that old colleague and listen to what they have to say.

Channel the sadness through music and embrace nostalgia when you feel it.

Libra Logo


(23 September - 22 October)

You're about to start a period of general tranquility without great emotional and romantic impulses. It's an ideal moment to rekindle attraction. Let yourself be desired and flirt to the fullest.

Regarding your profession, you'll be eager to commit yourself on a daily basis and improve your goals. If you have to deal with certain problems, try to relativize them and take advantage of your pragmatic side.

You may experience some respiratory problems, such as recurrent dyspnea. The stars also reveal that something is about to happen in your life that will force you to change course.

Scorpio Logo


(23 October - 21 November)

Through specific situations you’ve been learning that perhaps what you thought was right isn’t as accepted by those who live with you, or who you deal with on a daily basis.

Meditate on what you want and try to find a more realistic situation that helps you open up to change. Trust in your inner wisdom.

Gluttony and anxiety are very bad for you. Start a change today. Ditch sweets and saturated fats, reduce your portions and drink abundant water to stay hydrated.

Sagittarius Logo


(22 November - 21 December)

You want to change the way you relate to others and this doesn’t mean you don’t want them. You really want to make the most of all the areas of your life – especially relationships. If you’re single, stop focusing on superficial relationships.

Ask your superiors to let you use your creativity at work and if you need permission for a project, keep insisting. Your creativity will help you evolve as a professional.

You will feel well and if you look back, you’ll see you’ve been through a lot and you’ve learned from your experiences.

Capricorn Logo


(22 December - 19 January)

Those around you want your love and attention so you shouldn’t have any problem if you want to enjoy your sex life today. You should make an effort if you’ve just started a new romance because you’ll live a situation you’re not used to.

You will meet your financial objectives. The energy of the Stars can favour everything you do but you need to get organized. Trust and be prepared, and the universe will provide.

Your health is receiving a positive influence from the Stars. Choose quality products and organize your routines so that you can rest well too.

Aquarius Logo


(20 January - 19 February)

Someone will win your heart and you’ll have to admit your feelings, Aquarius, don’t be afraid to enjoy a relationship that promises to surprise you.

At work, if you need to increase your business contacts, the characteristic ease of conversation of a Gemini colleague will help you achieve unexpected additions.

When it comes to your health, everything indicates that Aquarius might have a problem. You might have been overlooking some suspicious symptoms, or perhaps they’ve appeared unexpectedly. Whatever the case may be, it’s better not to waste any more time and tackle those ailments that cause so much discomfort.

Pisces Logo


(20 February - 20 March)

Those who are single won’t be certain about having a date with someone who likes them. If you don’t like them, tell them without beating around the bush, don’t string them along. If you have children you'll let them pick the program for today.

Listen to the financial advice you'll receive from a very wise elderly person. Their experience can offer valuable lessons. Don't get carried away by blind trust in family bonds if they make offers that you're not sure about.

You must incorporate more fiber-rich foods to your diet in order to avoid constipation.